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5^*1'. r •Xl fc-o-X,',; - NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THE WBATHEH VuMnuit kr tl» *> S^MnB, for the month of September, 1928 * . ... Keiulilairui .
5,159 Probably showers and Member ot the Aadit Bureau ot < Saturday momiDE,„Idllow^ by lair. ' Clrcnlutiona______
(Classified Advertising on Page 16) VOL. X U I., NO. 314. Ma n c h e s t e r , CONN., Fr i d a y , Oc t o b e r 5, i »28. (EIGHTEEN PA6B&) PRICE T%RJ^rCBN!fS YANKS AMERICA NOW MRST HOME RUN OP SERIES IN MAKING OF Tests Made of Weapons of TARIFF IS O E Y AD Calibres Proved This, Threatening WeaAer Cuts Down Attendance at Second Brings lit Army Officials Make REAL CAMPAIGN Game of World’s Series; Alexander aSd Pipgras 0 ^ Known Today. ISSTOAIIY posing Twirlers as Game Starts But “ Old Pete” is Re placed by Mitchell in Third— The Game Play by Play. Aberdeen Prdving Grounds, lyid., Horace B. Cheney, Silk Oct. 5.— “ The American Army could be supplied with guns, am New York .. St. Louis stole second. Ball one, outside. munition and material second to Finn's Economics Expert, Darst, cf / . Donihit cf Strike one, swung. Strike two, Koenig, ss High, 8b; swung. Strike^ three", swung. Bot- none in the event of a national Ruth, rf Frischt 2b tomley fanned; Ha^ey. up. Hafey. emergency.” Tells Why Manchester Gehrig, lb Bottemley, lb out Koenig.,to (Jehtig, Brlsch takr Major General C. C. Williams, Mehsel, If Hafey, If ing third. Harper up. Strike one, chief of ordnance. United States Should iFavor Republicans Lazzeri, 2b Harper, If called. Ball one, -wide. Strike two, Robertson, 3b Wilson, c foul back. Strike three, , called. Army, made this statement to In Bengough, c Mai*an-ville, ss Harper fanned. ternational News Service today in Pipgras, p Alexander, p l*to runs, one hit, no errors, one commenting upon the spectacular Horace B. Cheney, director 'of Here’s the finish of the first (home run of . the 19 2-^ World Series. Outfielder Meusel of the Yanks hit . .Umpires: At the plate, Rigler, left. and extraordinarily vivid demon Cheney Brothers, local silk firm, It, and h^s seen crossing the plate. Babe Ruth, w^o scored ahead of him after doubling, is seen over National; at first.base, McGowan, Yankees: Ruth up. Ball one in Catcher Wilson’s shoulders. stration given at the army proving today furnished The Herald with a American; at second base, Pfimian, side. Ball two low. Strike ope grounds here yesterday and last statement >vhich firmly advjocates National; at GiirA tiase, Owens, A swung. Strike two. called; Ruth pin-: night of The powerful guns that the erican. gled to center. Gehrig lip. Ball one United States cculd unleash on th(^ Manchester people voting the Re- BRITAIN’IS GOING wide. Ball two wide. Ball three enemy in the event of a war. , publican ticket in the fall Presiden SMITH PREPARING HOOVER WILL START wide. Strike one called. Ball four Big Audience tial campaign. Mr. Cheney offers a DRY WITHOUT LAW Yankee Stadium, New York, Oct. low. Gehrig walked, Ruth going to Every important weapon and table of wage comparisons showing 5— At the end of'the sixth inning second. Meusel up, -Strike one, artillery piece developed by the why manufacturers in this country FOR HIS NEXT TRIP Figures Show Big Drop in Con TONIGHT FOR SOUTH today in the second game of the swung. Ruth scored, Gehrig took liou GrlirTg army since the World Vvax:^ was cannot compete successfully with sumption of Liquor in Brit World’s Series, the New York Yan third on Meusel’s double to left fired amid deafening detonations foreign manufacturers of silk. Mr. kees were leading by a score of 8 field. Lazzeri up. Ball one wide. ish Isles. to 3. The feature of the game thus Strike one swung. Strike two side, Pasetial walked.' Koenig up. while more than 5,000 persons Cheney is an expert in economics Ball one outside. Strike one called. viewed the impressive spectacle and always represents the Silk As.so- far was a homer by Gehrig which swung. Ball two wide. Lazzeri out, Committee Keeps Various London, Oct. 5.— Great Brit First nin e Since Civil War brought in three runs in the first High to Bottomley .both runners Ball-two high. Strikefwo. foul back. from vantage places, steep hills, ciation of. America in presenting, ain appears to be voluntarily Strike three swung,’ Koenig- fanned. buildings and barracks. . Sixteen- that body's arguments before the inning,. The game, play by play holding their bases. Robertson up. going “ dry” without the assist follows: Ball one'/low. Ball two wide. Ball Ruth up. Strike, one'called. Strike inch guns constructed for sea coast Tariff commission. Dates Secret But AI Starts ance of prohibition, according two swung. Ball one low. -/Strike' defense roared as projectiles weigh His Letter That G. 0. P. Candidate First Inning three low. Strike one called. - Ball to published" official figures. four, Robertson walked filling the three called, . Ruth fanned'. Gehrig ing over. 2,000 pounds were hurled Mr. Cheney’s statement follows: In 1900 the consumption of St. Louis — Douthit up. Strike up. Ball one -wide. Gehrig out on a miles into the air. Anti-aircraft Next Week. ^ one, foul back. Ball one, outside. bases. Bengougti up. Strike one caU THE INTERESTS OF MANCHES spirits in England was 32,2R9,- Speaks There.' ed. Gehrig scored on Bengough’s fly to Doutiit. ' 105-niilimetre guns that attained a 522 gallons. In 1913 it had de Strike two. foul right. Douthit out No runsv^BO. hits, no errors. One vertical range of 12,000 yards TER IN THE POLITICAL at first, Gehrig unassisted. iSlgh up. single to right,,.Meusel,agoing,,to CAMPAIGN clined to 22*004,432 gallons. third, Robertson-to secopd. Alexan left. ■ . poured forth heavy projectiles at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 5.;— Goverijor Today it has fallen to 10'412,- Ball one, inside. Strike one, called. the rate of fifteen shots pr.r Washington, Oct. 5,— Facing his Strike two,foul left. Ball two, wide. der was removed at this juncture. “ The whole of New England de Smith’s plans to invade the south 9|21 gallons, and is growing less Mitchell now: pitching for .St., Louis. minute. Demolition bombs weigh -dally. V. big bid ■ for electoral votes from Bali three whle. Pp.ul back. Foul pends for its prosperity upon the ern border states, which have been Right. Foul left. Foul/ back. Ball Meusel on third, Robertson- on sec Yankee Stadium,. New York, ing 600 pounds were dropped from Protective Tariff, but the Town of ; The figures for Scotland, states below the Rfasou-Di.xon line, ond, Bengough,,on first. Pipgras up. occupying most of his attention' four low, H i^ walked, Frisch *;p. Oct. 5.r<-Another bumper crop of Martin bombers. Tanks of all sizes Manchester is particularly and pe ‘‘the home pf whiskey,” are Herbert Hoover today was prepared Ball ope outside,, Ball twoi.outslije; and descriptions executed maneu since his retnrn from the west,- have siill more significant. Con Strike one fouL rlgbti-'l strike-two haseMir zhMalh rioted Into the culiarly situated in this respect. It for an invasion of the happy valley called. Foul back. 'Ball one wide. Strike one called MeuseU scored vers up hill and down dale. Troops ewes its existence and its contin provided some knotty problems In sumption of spirits in Scotland when Pipgras was hit with a pitch Stadium today, like so much cattle went into action and fired gas and was 8,632,092 gallons in 1900 of Tennessee for a speech to the Ball two wide. Ball three Inside, uance not only to a Tariff, but in the matter of arrangements, and an Foul back, foul left. Ball four out ed ba.ll. Robertson took third, Ben- hBipg chivvied through the chutes smoke shells a distance of 2,500 the most'extreme manner to a Pro against 6,709,34B^in 1913 and Solid South. gpugh going to second, the- bases re yards at machine *gun nests. Caval nouncement of the- definite Itiner 2,456,200 last year. side. Frisch walked. High going at the Chicago stQckyexds, pud with tective Tariff. The entire silk busi The Republican nominee- will •Iti’-second! Bottomley Up. Strike one maining filled. Paschal battlnftllti ry men dashed into battle while a ness would die a sudden and vio ary may be delayed a feV decline'in beer drinking leave late tonlgtit'.o'n a. special train place o f piirst. Paschal up. Strike’ the niated rPar^^sp-ty^cal o^ the oc- fleet of bombardment planes simu The governor, however, plans to has been equally striking. The swung. Ball one wide. Ball two lent death if the tax on importa- to keep tils speaking engagement at wide. Bengough tried to nip Frisch onei called. Robertson scored, op casiop, they grerth^/the; emtiattled lated actual warfare from the air. tions of silk goods from foreign Albany early nbxt /Week. As leading btewerS; are contem single to center but Bengdugn. was heretofore indicated his Itinerary plating a joint advertising Elizabethton, Tenn., , tomorrow off first and failed. Strike two Yankees and Cartiihals'.as the two All in all, it was an inspiring and | countries was even materially re- swung. Ball three wide. Bottomley out at the plate, Douthit to Frisch impressive show. I ciuced. will probably embrace Raleigfi, N. campaign in order to implant ahernooii. Enroute he will stop at to •'Wilson. Pipgras went,' to second champipus^steppea themselves out C., Chattanooga, ’Tenn;, Louisville, the Idea that“ beer _ is the out on foul to Bengough. Hafey up. Terrific Roars , 1 “ Both the Cleveland Tariff and Bristol, Va., and Childers, Tenn., Ball one low.' Strike one caUed. on the play.. Koenig up; Strike one Onto the -dla^nd for the-'second The roar of the powerful guns j the last Underwood Tariff very se- Ky., Sedalia, Mo., and Chicago. An healthiest drlnR.” foul right. Ball one. inside. Koenig gaipe of the World: Series, Her the other engagement in Indiana or New Inventions, new habits, and after tiis address, he will -visit Strike two foul back. Fo,ul back. shook the countryside for miles | riously affected the silk business, the Old Soldiers Home at Johnson Foul back. Foul back. Strike out on a fly to Bottomley. Yankees, it was an occasion: that around. Men and women placed One Issue Here Ohio is Still uncertain, with the new paces in the speed of life Four runs, four hits, no errors. called for them-to’ protect ttiti ad possibilitythat he wilLnot speak In are declared, to be responsible Oity, Tenn. three swung. Hafey fanned. their fingers to their ears as the “ Other communities and sec- The trip, first of the campaign No runs, no hits, no errors, two Two left. vantage they gained-in th^ opening guns belched forth fire and steel, tions of the country may believe either, state. The tentative program for- this wave of sobriety by game ye^erday.. For th f Cardinals, is still subject to. change.. students of social conditions. into any southern state, will mark left. Fourth Inning Off in the distance, miles away, that other issues in the present the Republican Party’s greatest ef Yankees — Alexander pitching St. Louis— Paschal playing cen the demand-'-was-far more inipera- campaign are of greater import Keep Plans Secret Toe attraction, of the radio and great balls of fire and smoke arose, fort to stir up southern enthusiasm for St. Louis— Burst up. Strike ter field for New York. 'Wilson up. tive. They .couldn’t afford another attesting to the great length and ance to them; in some sections the For strategical reasons, the Dem the movies have emptied the ■ defeat and so they went out there ocratic schedule makers are keep public houses. Social drinking foi' Hoover. Party leaders from one, called. Ball one, wide. Strike Ball one, outside. Strike one, foul accuracy of the shots. people are anxious to have the gov- Florida to Texas have been-urged two, swung. Durst singled to right back. Strike two, called. Foul back. this afternoon ready to dti or die a ing their plans strictly to them between meals has also become figurative death in the;:attempt. ! After the spectacle was over f^nment go into the water, power selves until every date is final and practically unknown. to atten-J the Elizabethton gathering center. Frisch just failed to spear Wilson out Pipgras to Gehrig the Major General Williams, in outlin- cosiness. Their experiments in this and Hoover will meet the Republi the ball with" tils gloved hand. pitcher was making a ndat stop. They ;•! ad, Grover Cleveiapd Alex ' direction have been very costly and definite. This, they say, has been ing the status of Ame.rican ord necessitated by past experiences can chieftains at a banquet in John Koenig up. Koenig out on a fly to Maranville up. Strike , ■: one, foul ander, their ohe-gamti.ciiniak-pitch nance advancement since the World. unsuccessful. But the people of son City tomorrow night. Hafey, hitting the first; ball pitch right. Maranville safe’ at first on er and the hero of the 192.5'series ! Manchester should forget water wherein considerable difficulty has QUEEN MARIE DENIES War said he considered the princi been met in the renting of halls and- His Speech. ed. Ruth up Ball one, wide. Ball Koenig’s error. Mitchell up. Ball -with the Yankees, ready/to make a pal development to be: (A) anti- power, prohibition and anything T’ue nominee's speech will be de two, wide, Bali three, inside. Ball one, wide. Mitchell out on 'a fine supreme bid In this epiairg’pficy.'The and everything else, if there is making radio arrangements, once it became known that Gov. Smith was HER SON HAS ELOPED voted to a wide range of topics but four, wide. Ruth was walked. running catch by Koenig in short Yariks were to counter w(Uh. Georgb ( Continued on Page 3) really any possibility of the tariff Gehrig up.. Gehrig hit a home run left field. Douthit up; Strike one, pipgras, a winner’-'/ih/the; / 1927 cn silk being lowered. Some of considering a certain location on. a its chief note undoubtedly wlll.be certain date. They do not 'pithlip- an appeal to the south to lay aside on the first ball pitched. Gehrig called. Ball one, wide. Douthit Out series, or Tom'Zachary, tiear-relic these other things might affect But Berlin Reports Name of swung at a slow one on the out on-a foul to Gehrig. of the professibti: btit stiir' a Very the happiness or liberty of individ ly charge the Republicans with ob political prejudices and vote thR structionist tactics, but they'do so Woman Who Fled With Republican ticket this year. His side and propelled it high and far No runs, no hits, one error, one capable citizen. Pipgras was con REDS’ RESCUE SHIP ual citizens, but the tariff affects sidered the more plausible chol^ in privately.' ' ^ Prince Nichots. trip was arranged; in fact, only af into the bleachers in right center left. — the very existence of the Town of field. Durst and Ruth scoring in Yankees— Ruth up. Strike one view of the fact tha,t they day was Manchester. Neither is the governor ready yet ter southern Republicans declared to ahnounce. what subjects he wi\l a personal appearance would enable front of the runner. Meusel up. called. Ball one, wide. Ruth dou a bit overcast,’with ti.la'tent hih't of “ Unlike every other industry, it Paris, Oct 5.—-Mystery today Strike one, called. Strike - two, rain, thus .lending alneutVal back RETURNS TO PORT deal with’ in, his border line tour. surrounded the reported elopement him to break into the electoral vote bled to deep center. Only fast field is not Europe with whom we have swung. Strike three, called. Meusel ing by Douthit and the Babe’s lame ground to his fast baH delivery. to compete most intimately, h'ft He may deal with tariff and labor of Prince Nichols, youngest son of of the Solid South. If be should problems on this, tour,' and he may succeed in this, it would be the fanned on three pitched balls. Laz^ leg held tit to two bases. Gehrig V Many ia Ltae. ; . China and Japan, the countries of Queen Marie, of Rumania, to this zeri up. Strike one, foul left. Strike hit' the “ whispering campaign” •City ■' first time since before the Civil. up. Strike one, called. Strike two, In any case,. New-^^^York this morn again. Gov..Sfflith is.n6t yet through War that a Republican presidential two, called. Lazzeri out, Alexander swung. Ball ona, high. Ball two, ing was greatlxtie^iihdyad- of^lts Crew of Krassin Get Warm (Continued on page 2) ,;A. dis'patcti .from Bucharest .said to Bottomley. Yankees ' and • v-wlptiing per with that issue,, for certain phaset that. aR official rcqmm/uniquaV.'tiad nominee has carried ,a state of the wide. Ball three, wide. Gehrig out of it are almost daily "qropping .up; Old Confederac3'. Three runs, two hits, no errors, on a fly to Douthit. Ruth holding formance of of been issued by the''Ctiafnberli^^ of none left. injuries, to Penbtici&'.^.Com'tis,. Ruth: Welcome— Big Ovation in new forms,, most of which‘ reach the- couTt/denying there had. been Follows Historic Trail. second. Meusel up. Ball one, wide. him in one way or anpither.,' , / Second Inning Meusel but 6n a fly to Hafey, Ruth and, Lazzeri.’ Arid /-c ‘ ao^'ttie -i more BOSSY a iL lS STARTS ari;y-'.,elbpement./Accp t'o, the .Hoover, in visiting the happy val- zealous of the'zealots 'again/took His OffiiidaT Duties . '' ofnpal: stateman't 'Prin^^ ley of Tennessee, will follow a trail St. Louis— Harper up. Ball being held at second again. Laz- at Leningrad. Gov. Smijth has/not been ^ le; tp outside. Strike one, called, Ball zeri up. Lazzeri out Mitchell to statipns at the gates and put^alted .ca^e"''fto Paria/ for /medical" treat blazed .by some of the heroic fig the /long, tedious watches 'of the TWO MONTHS SENTENCE get in any golf .sinc'ei.his.. rptiirn ment’’aepbm^nied ''bnly-rby ,'a milT- ures of American historj'. It lies two, wide. Bali three, inside. Ball Eotlordley, the pitcher making a from the west/Hi's sixteen days’- ab four, outside. Harper walked. Wil nice stop; night,; While downto-wn the la^s/who tatiy-aide." l ' ’ . within a territory, once claimed by “ lay in on the line’’ were paiaklug Leningrad, Oct. 5— The famous sence frpin, the cap'itoi . filled his ;It w.as reported,:.tbat'rthe•'iPri.rice De Soto.-for Spain and at.another son up. strike one, called. Wilson No runs, one hit, no errors, 'one Bad Boy Mayor Refuses desk with "numerous state'^matters doubled to right center. Harper left. the Yanks an even/uibaey: bet for Soviet ice-breaker Krassin triumph left/lasf■night Tbr.TBucharest oh ■ the time, by La Saile for France. The the rest'pf thevserie£/-u.V’-/ to dispose ’of. '‘Wednesd^': tie. pYit' ■ (3flenrt Express/:~accolnpanied only scoring. Maranville up. Strike one, Fifth Inning. antly returned here today after Eat During First Day valley was a famous trade channel The odds, however,^8%htly. favor on his golf clothes 'i.n, exppetatipn; by, tils ;aide;" 'Former Crbwn-Prince . between Indian tribes of the north called. Ball one, outside. Strike St. Louis: High up. Strike one fourteen weeks spent in the Arctic, Jail. ; swung. Ball one inside. Ball twe ed the Cardinals for today’s game, of getting in a round, but he c6ui(i- CaVol/ .‘Wtio 'ha's -t h^ti; living in i and. their redskin brothers of the two, foul right. Ball two, low. Ball during which it rescued seven n’t make it, and yesterda'y he,,spent three, inside. Wilson took third on wide Strike two foul back. High out this lefidency beiti;^, ^83^ . pot only Salem, Mass., Oct. 5.— “ His jFtatice,/Ehglatid with south. on the'law Qf ar^^i^/hut-also tin marooned members of the crew of all of the day_a t . his desk in' the- jfeie; Magda Hbl'etiie Lupescu, is ' Daniel Boone visited the section Maranville’s single to right. Alex on a great play Robertson to Honor” waved away the jail at capitol tied up on. gubernatorial ander up. Ball one, outside. Ball Gehrig. The third basemen made a the tatit“that AIrixati3iir)/wi^ due to the ill-fated dirigible Italia. tendant who came with breakfast said to. have, accompanied his* broth with his scouts. Andrew Jackson cast: them from. tho.'^^aMd: emlh- Not since the first days of the work. ' ' s er to the railway station. practiced law in the town of two, inside. Strike dne* called, driving stop of High’s hard smp.. h today. The Democratic nominee will em and threw the runner put. Frisch enoe;,'hArex unaoiih^filyyyi’as a tilt Russian revolution, when the Czar- In spite of the official denial of Elizabethton. Davy Crockett, the strike two, foul right. Ball three, Mayor Andrew J. (Bossy) Gil- bark upon his second tour in a wide. Wilson scored, Maranville up. Strike one foul back. Strike two older than he was ryes{®pday but ist battle-cruiser Aurora, manned lis, so-called “ bad boy” chief exec any elopement the situation wks “ Hero of the Alamo,” was , born the boys were ,.\yiiiiug,;tti/'|ly€ him by a crew which had murdered its more satisfied frame" pf mind than further complicated by word from nearby. took third and Alexander safe at foul left. Strike-three called. Frisch, utive of sedate and historic New- he had been when. ,tie faced the first on LazzerPs wide throw-of 'Was fanned on three pifehed' balls. at least one officers and hoisted the red flag, buryport, was continuing what some Berlin and, Vienna identifying the In 1772, four years before the they' started betU(;fe.{i'ijtti;'ti . ’ steamed up the river Neuva eleven west. The Democratic’ situafibn ip alleged companion of the 25-year- Alexander’s infield tap. Douthit Bottomley, up. Ball one lo-w’. Strike thought was a "hunger strike.” He New York state was on his mind declaration of Independebce, the Srowds .vears ago and bombarded the win ;old Rumanian Prince as.Madame D. settlers along“ the Boone trail” or up. Strike one, foul right. Ball one, one called. Strike two swung. Ball had refused supper last night. then. That now has been.disposed.pf two -wide. Strike three swung Bot EarlVindication^/w-erp'; thaVy ter palace of the Czar, has any ves Jail officials however, thought Tatipn, member of a rich and aris- ganized" the first free government, inside. Maranville scored when Douthit hit into a double play. tomley fanned for the second time terday'ti. attendance!'figures P? more. sel been accorded such a welcome his honor” was just tired and ex- R j^ g e v tiu T w ® gov^rn^Ship t S ’ ^ in America. They agreed to the than 61,000, in hunian. beings and as was given the Krassin today. High up. strike one, called. Ball No runs, no hits, no errors, none hausted from the ordeal of a trial a strong supporting slate. Conse first constitution ever adopted by •left. a single game record ptsome 1234,- Big Salute of hearing himself described as “ a TREASURY BALANCE one, low. strike two, foul back. quently, the governor will start next American citizens ^nd they were Ball two, wide. Foul left. Ball Fifth Inning 000 in; money,.Wouldn’t' be disturb^ Twelve guns boomed out in sal wilful boy who never grew up” and Washington, Oct. 5,—.Treasury first to rule themselves upon the ed this afternoon;; New Yprk-’ap ute as the ship passed the Kron week without one of the chief wor turee, outside.-^High out on a fly to Yankees: Robertson up. Strike of “ taking another on the chin” ries he carried witti him< on. tils, balance;Oct. 3: ?187,982,400.51. western continent. proved. of Its Yankees, but .appar stadt fortress. Then amofficial wel- when Judge Nelson P. Brown in Robertson. one called. Ball one low. Bail two western trip. ‘ Three runs, two hits, one error, inside. Rohertson putFrisch to ently not,to the extent pf standing comin,g party boarded the ice-break Essex county Superior Criminal bn itstflat feet while ttils/approval er. After they had congratulated Court sentenced him to serve two none left. Bottomley. Bengough up. Bengough Yankees: Rdbertspn up. Robqrt- out on a fly.^to Frisch, behind in was being registered,-.' There Vtiye Captain Samoylovitch, Aviator months’ hard labor and pay fines gaping spaces in the, blckchers! at Chuchnovsky who sighted the Ital aggregating ?545. LINDY OVER RADIO son out Bottomley unassisted, hit field. He tilt the firsttiall pitched. ting first ball pitched. Bengough up. Pipgras up. Pipgrastiout tin a P.op. 12 :30, and the unreserved fPrins'of ian Captains Zappi and Mariano, The complaint against Newbury- Herald W ith Full Aceount of Game the covered stands were fillthg .ail- and others of the crew, the Krassin port’s mayor was that he unlawful Ball one wide, Ball two'^wide. Ball fly to Maranville. He algo hit the too s’ owly. , • ‘ , proceeded here escorted by six ^ ■ vy ipieat Rivals by 5ver Two Hours. three wide. Ball-four inside. Ben first ball pitched. ly stored and sold gasoline at his New York, Oct. 5.—'"Wtiich Is ttie 1 ; The die-hards, however, were out cruisers. much-opposed filling station and gough walked. Pipgras up. Ben No ruqs, no hits, no errors, hone bigger' attraction, the World’s' Se left, in force 'and that was exactly .--Yrhat Police had great difficulty in pre-. that he cut down shade trbes near / s IiIaBqhester’s^:^ -who toileci all day yester- - gough took second; on Pipgras’ thev used, when the gates were op> venting the huge welcoming throng ries or Col.’ Charles A. LindberghT’ bunt. It was a sa;criflce hunt. Durst '^gth^'lnnlng ^ it. ■ f Radio station .WOR -decided this- >-I/day while the Yankees-an the (jardin^s were opening eued at ten o’clbek. It to'ok plenty from breaking the barriers to wel This is the second time Mayor Tip. Ball one low. Ball two w^e; St. Lbuis:"Hafey up; Strike one, come Its heroes. interesting question in/taVbr. ofV.btie the, Wpi^d^Series in .NewiYorh: were agreeably surprised Bengough scored.'on'Dursl|s single swung;. Ball ^ia, wide. Strike two,, of force 'to -get' poMeasiori'tit the Glllis has been in- jail. He served trais-Atlantic flier- today'. ,Ti}e s|a-i; prized seats In right’-fisld and. that Samoylovitch 'and others of the two months for an. assault on a / wheosthey. reached'the street and--found The Herald. to center. Koenig; up. Ball one -wide. fppl, • right,, Ha"fay/tiut ,on a- flyv/tp. crew were Warmly greeted by their tion is broadcasting . the, ' secpiqti- S ^k e one called. Koenig out'tin'a Meusel. Harper.up. Ball tine, wide.- ;W.as .one. thing'?aith ;wtilei the boys former Newburyport mayor. game of-the series, bntVt 2:30,' 'no ‘7:^th a full: amount of the g ^ e. Through the efforts • were Veil fendow^ 'The*' entire wives, children and relatives. The ■With fingers tapping nervously fly to Frisch. ' ' '' ■ ■ . 'Strike Pha* called. Strike-two,'rfonl matter whether the llsterierB'-tiave ^/Of; the Mam' ojSlce the dead line advanced until the finhl One i-uu,' one hilt, no errors, .none right field Matid* whs tiHed almbrt Krassin’s captain and crew and on the rail of the prisoners’ dock just heard the crack of BabprlRqthfs back. pa?per ;ou4"' on a fiy to Rhth.,. to the ultimate tinoh’.' -/.^ '-- • • Chuchnovsky are starting on a tour the “ Bad Boy Mayor” heard the ; qut/^ Thenvthe wh got busy and rushed'the left.. . • Wilson .up.. Ball oqe, higb. SL,rike bat, the Yankee-S^dium,wili betbut : A ilijOpy/tOr the ^jeiss and/the whole account, play by play, Third 'Inning. ■■f-i - The ali-nightf VJ^kwtes, those of Russia within a few days. sentence pronounced and within a out, so that Lihdbeji‘gh’'8 speech be one, -foal back. Wilsou' out,' Oetirlg hardVsoulswhoati^^^^ The projected American visit of short time was prisoner Number 1^11 jitrike,^was put in the regular edition more than St. Louia^Frisch* upj Strike ,one. unassisted.-'.-,,-: • -t-: fore the. National Safety Council celled; Ball one, wide.* Ball tY^o, the hvQ'iops/'tha£i»(lhti ' Samoylovitch and Chuchnovsky pro 48,806. He refused the lail supper may be put on'the alT.' , 1 two hoiurs befi^e the first but of town paper reached ■ No runs,, no bits,'no errprs) none prise of post seasojh^hafiafe^^inigtit bably will be postponed until after wide. Strike two; foul .back. Frisch left,- ' ■ ‘ ■•- of applesauce, bread ^and coffee,- After the coloqel tials'flnish^v' ' hh^. real continue, to.'livti .Ifirtihe. to the presidentital elections in the Also he refused to see Visitors. At reached first on .a;base hit' ttikt Yankees: Paschal up., BaR-poti which-,-it;^ has: the baseball classic'’.will be plgtie^ ' i'-'- i'-- United States. 8( p. m., he dropped off to sleep. up again. hoanded tiff LaVieri’s/;ehest. jVs a wide. Strike ope foul back. at least/got; the d(nitit|ul-6weflt of t;a8e hit. BoUoniiey' *up. Frlpcli low. Ball three high/Bair feajr; ip«. pleasant weftther, - ' ' ^ ' ■i- MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928. ■ . ' i
second, and Tbom ^ Burgess, third. LONG LiST OF DATES COL ALLEN TO DIRECT' SMITH’S TOUR OF W EST. West of Tolland is spending a few days at the home COLUMBIA OBITUARY of her cdtisins, Mr. and Mrs. George FOR ODD FELLOWS HOOVER-CDRTIS LEGION C E LED UNSUCCESSFUL West of Foster street. . M|f('i.^ Mrs. Walter Skinner and The Ladies Aid Society met with REALCAMPAIii little’ wnT ^Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Mr^. Lester Hutchins Wednesday SUITS Froposed Activities for Winter , , „ Spell of Grandeur in Luxurious Henry' N6'vers, Miss Ruth Nevers,, afternoon-, 26 ladies being present. Listed by Chairman Beverly ! Chairman _of FUNERALS Campaign Special Train Charles’ J. Dewey, Mrs. Hattie E.^ After a social hour, wafiles, coffee Wright—The Committee. . | “Didn’t Take,” They Say. Jpltoson, Mrs.' Everett A. Buck- and salted nuts were served by the Thomas O’jConnor • ianlj^'.aftd Mrs. Lillian-E. Grant all* hostesses, Mrs. Lester Hutchins, Beverly'Wright, chairman of the The funeral of Thomas O’Connor, Governor Smith’s tour of the attended the Four Town Fair which Mrs. Henry Hutchins ., and ifrs. ontertainraept committee has is who was found dead in an automo West, his first venture Into politics, (Continued from page 1> Somers this year. It was Hubert Collins.-’- sued a card'listing the proposed ac-» Hartford, October 5 — Colonel bile early Wed, morning shortly of more than local ipiportance. has a.finp______fair,_ a perfect , day______and Bin en- Mrs. Mary Ink returned Wednes tivities of King David lodge, I. O. Charlea H. Allen of Rockville was after he had been picked up and been, a distinct gain for the Repub the lowest wages in the industrial^ jio^iiiffe time. day to her home “ Overlook” after a 0. F. The list of dates announced appointed today by J. Henry Rora- offered a ride, was held this morn lican ticket. world. . i The Frlendl^ Indians or Junior three weeks’ visit in Gbio. are printed herewith- back, chairman of the Republican ing at 8:30, at the funeral rooms of Even from Democratic sources Asiatic Competition.. i i S!. ,M. C; A. boys held their regu The teachers of the town.held a Friday, Oct. 15, Set Back. State Central Committee, to direct Undertaker Mark Holmes. There come admissions that the Governor “ For a generation, the laboring, lar ^meeting with their leader. Rev. tead^er’s meeting Wednesday af Friday.‘^ Qct,. 12, ^Rehearsal Ini- the work of tlie Hoover-Curtis was- services at 9 o’clock at ..St. hurt his cause during his visit to element in the United States 'Truman H. Woodward, at the Par ternoon at the Center school-’house. tiatory Degree. Legion in Connecticut. The Hoover- Bridget’s Church and the burial the farm states. He simply didn’t suffered-the competition of Agiati.t ish House, on Tuesday afternoon. Supervisor Garrison and Asst. Thursday, Oct. 18, Whist. Curtis Legion is being organized was in St. Bridget’s Cemetery. “ take” ; The spell of grandeur labor, and their immigration Vh'as Supervisor Miss Lacey were present. Friday, Oct. 19, Initiatory De- throughout the country for the pur Avhich was cast about him while he practically been prohibited. • : In. Postals are being received by gree. pose o f aiding the campaign of the remained in New York disappeared ■California and the Pacific Coast friends from Rev. and Mrs. Wain Thursday, Oct. 25, Whist. Republican National ticket. A con- ABOUT TOWN as the tour progressed. The most States they have repeatedly-heeb who have now reached Coimbra. Friday, Oct. 26, 1st Degree.. trltiutlbn of One Dollar will be''re luxurious campaigu special ever put fighting Chinese riots slmiply Portugal, where they will spend a Monday, Oct. 29. Hallow’eeu quested from each person joining on wheels failed to hide the fact because the Chinese who year learning the language before Barn Party. the Legion. The money will be that the Governor does not under have come in are willing' to- going on to Africa. Mr. and-Mrs. Thursday, Nov. 1st. Whist. used in assisting the conducts of The devotions that are held in stand the West and the "Wesl; ‘does work for wages on which a cinzon: Wain state that they find conditions Friday, Nov. 2, Set Back. the National Campaign. The or the Catholic churches during not understand him. ' The Damo-r of the United States would starve, Furnished by Putnam & Co. in Portugal much different fromUhe Thursday, Nov. 8, Whist. ganization of state’ units of this October will be held in St. James s ocratic nominee demonstrated that let alone providing food, shelter, u. s. Friday, Nov. 9, 2nd Degree. work was based upon Herbert Hoo and St. Bridget’s church tonight he is not nationally-minded, tnat radios and autoniobiles. ' , Bank__Stocks Mi;, and Mrs. Raymond Clarke Monday, Nov. 12, Armistice Day. ver’s'recent statement: “ Every at 7:30. he has no . grasp 6f the problems o-i“ American labor does not com entertained several friends Tuesday Float in parade. pile alone with Asiatic labor com -Bid Asked \ Presidential campaign is an im which concern the United States as Banka's Trust Co. ..30U 325 evening in honor of their 15th wed Thursday, Nov. 15. Whist. A meeting of the executive board ing Into the United States; the ding anniversary. Among those portant educational period in Na- a whole. Cap B&T...... 300 Thursday, Nov. 22. Reserved. tional issues. It is the duty of i of the Swedish Congregational Chibese and Japanese take your present were three couple who . Friday, Nov. 23. 3rd Degree.. On the outstanding ‘ problem or City Bank & Trust .1200 political parties to present their church v/as held at the home of Mr. the day— farm relief^he ' is still job as effectively when they send wedding anniversary cotnes duflrg Friday, Dec. 7th„ Set Back. views and the issues to the public. and Mrs. Swen Rosendahl of 17 their products of their, labor in' Cdian. River ...... 400 the, week, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Friday, Dec. 28th. Election of Of- floundering. The West was in First Bond & Mort . . --- ' 60 This involves a legitimate expendi Hackmatack street last evening to tensely Interested in knowing what here on the basis of a tariff for Lyman, whose 9th anniversary ficers._ discuss questions which are to come revenue only. First Natl (Htfd) .. .270 290 ture of money, all of which is pub he would,have to say about it, espe 800 came on'’ October 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday* Jan. 19, 39th Anniver up at the quarterly business meet Under the last Democratic Tariff Hlfd-Conn 'Trust Co. .760 licly accounted for. Therefore, all dally since he had admitted two R,tfd ;fia!nk T r ...... 570 590 Clarke their 15th om the 2nd. and sary. , those who are interested in the ing of the church to be held at the the importations reached ^ eir Mr, and Mrs. ClaytoL HunU whose years ago that “ I really can’t think . — 60. Other members of the entertatn- issues and the Republican party church this evening at 7:-30. All peak in the boom year of 1919 at *Land -Ajlg & Title . . 18th anniversary Is the 4th.- These of any»way of helping the farmers.” Morris' Plan Bank . .160 — ment committee are: Cleon Chap should assist the committee in this members of the church are request wblch time they had increased ap He hasn’t improved his position a Phoenix State B&T . .480 — hree couples alP’llve on Columbia man, Arthur Shorts, Sedrick work.’’ ed to attend. proxlmately 500 per cent.’ Mr. Green, and another couple also liv Straughan, Henry i Ingraham, great deal since then. lo'his speech Park St B a n k ...... 880 _ Local committees will be organ Smith has expressed approval of — ing on the Green. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyden Clark and William Black. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crowell, Mr. at Omaha hejnade a few covert this tariff. Riverstd'' Trust . . . .600 ized in each community in the state gestures at embracing the principle West Rjtfd Trust . .. .270 — Edward P. Lyman were married 24 Miss Edith Walsh is chairman of contract is made with [ ^nd Mrs. Robert Gordon and Miss Best Comparison.. ^ ' years ago also on October 4th, also as soon .as of the McNary-Haugen bill, but he » .5 Bonds the committee for the Rebekahs. the various members of the Sta*’e Eleanor Willard went to New York “ The writer of this article has Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lafieur of Leon today to greet Archibald Sessions, ended with an unillurainatipg state Htfd &, Conn West 6 . 95 — Committee and Chairmen of ' the for a great many years represented .EastiCbnn Pow 5s .. .101 102 ard Bridge, 32 years on that date. organist of the South Methodist ment that after his election he A notice is posted to air desiring Town Comnuttees. Colonel Allen’s would, “ call a conference.” As the Silk Industry In Washington in Conn L P 7s ...... 117 120 office will be located in Room 49, church who was expected to arrive relation to the Tariff and has been to be made voters that the regis by steamer from Europe. Senator Borah remarked, if the Conn L P 5 % s . . . .107% 109 SIXTH DIST. MEETS Allyn House, Hartford, Connecticut. intimately conected with Its work, Conn L P 4 % 8 .... .100% 101 % trars will be at the hall all day farmer has to wait for that event ing, and believes that the most eC Tuesday, October 9th to receive The new home which Alfred- A. to happen it will be a tremendously , Brid Hyd 5s ...... 102 104 fective statement c liiHiirance Storks names, and again bn the 13th to ON TUESDAY NIGHT Howland is building on Strickland long time before the farm problem comparison of the registrar them. This is the last street has been inclosed. The dwell is solved. !Aetna Insurance . . . .885 895 All That Style Can the Town of MancI Aetna Life . -...... 865 875 chance for anyone eligible, wlshjn»g STATE’S NORMAL SCHOOLS ing is of Dutch colonial eype with In contrast to this vague and paid in foreign countries competing to vote in the coming Presidential obscure, position, Mr. Hoover ha.s Aetna Casualty . .. .1160 ,1190 six rooms and sun porch. Terrence with their product. The greatest’ election. 13 new voters haVe al Offer — All That ■Voters of the Sixth school dis proclaimed a definite and concrete Automobile ...... 425 435 trict which exists now only as a Shannon of Russell street is the weight should be paid to the lowest 1800 ready been made this year. HAVE THOUSAND PUPILS contractor and M.’H. Strickland will program for agriculture. It has Conn General ...... 1750 taxing distript are. urged to attend wages, those from ^ China and Hartford Fire ...,.,.840 850 A notice is also posted to all tax Fabrics Can Give in install the plumbing and heating won the approval of those who are payers that lists of property owned $ the adjourned annual meeting of Japan, particularly- Japan, becaiiso Htfd Steam Boiler .1 — 780 systems. most interested in the problem and on October 1st must be handed to that-section io be held in the Bunce Hartford, Conn., Oct. 5— Enroll of her great industrial organization Lincoln Nat Life ...135 Wear and Appear •school house on Tuesday night at who are most competent to juige and enterprise, and ability to quick 1150 the Assessors OH or before Novem ment in the state’s normal schools, The Men’s Choral club will hold It hag brought Mr. Hoover mes National ...... 1100 eight o'clock. The voters will de ly chan,ge and copy the work of P h oen ix...... 825 835 ber 1st. cide wlbether all the affairs of the this fall, totals just about one its first get-together at the School sages of congratulation from the ' Mrs. Lucy Clarke left Saturday ance thousand persons and falls a little others. Travelers...... 1620 1640 district'can be closed up or not. Street ^Recreation Center Monrta.v .men who have lead th’e farm fight for the home 6f her son. Willlard below last year’s total, according evening. The evening's program will “ It is with Japan that the Broad Public Utility Stocks Most of' the taxes are collected and for year.s pa.st. Moreover, the rec Silk industry has its chief competi Conn Elec Sve pfd . .'. 92 Clarke of New Haven, where she to Dr. Albert B. Meredith, state begin with a chicken dinner served ord of the Republican Adminlstra will spend the winter. what lien.s have been placed proba commissioner,of education, who to tion; the Velvet industry with, Cohn''L P 8% ...... 119 bly will be assumed by the Ninth I by Osano at 6:30 followed by an tion in behalf of the fanner is The Republican' caucus will be day pointed but that the .state i.s i entertainment, the affair being in France and Germany and the Spun Conn L P 7% ...... 116 district as cash. something that cannot be lightly Silk indu.stry -with France, Italy Conn L P 6% % pfd. 110 held Wednesday evening. October “ maintaining a nice balance be j the nature of a “ 'Welcome Home” to put aside. 10 th for the purpose of nominating tween supply and bemand” - in the and Switzerland, (the Italian pro Conn.L P 5%% pfd .100 i Director Archibald Sessions, who The tanners, like a great many Conn Po Co (par 25).137 representative and Justices of tbe matter of public school teachers. 1 has been absent for several months duct being the cheapest, and the Peace. CARNES BACK HOME c.lher people in all parts of the na Swiss the highest grade). The Up Greenwich W&G 6 . . . 97 Dr. Meredith pointed to a new on a world tour. FMans will also be tion, are fully convinced that the Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lewellyn Of state policy of refusing to accept holstery businesa meets its greaffcsl'-Hsrt'El Ll (par 25) .133 and up mapped oui» for the work of thej Governor is wholly unsound on the y lC ...... 127 Milwaukee, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 5— Five thous as normal school pupils those who club during the coming season. El-i vital tariff issue. His reference in competition with Italy and France, Pearl Hopkins of Mpneie, ind., have and persons jammed Union station These various items are the princi Htfd Gas CO (par 25). 90 seeking a hi,gher education alone, more Watkins, chairman of the his acceptance speech to the Under been recent guests of- Mr. and Mrs. today as Clinton S. Carnes, abscond and of devoting the energies of the pal products of the Town of Man-^ do pfd (par 25) . . . 70 committee, is assisted by Harrv wood tariff as his ideal is some •pfd Gas rights .... 9 W. H.,Carpenter. , ^ ing t'feasurer of the Southern Bapt normal schools to training persons Armstrong, Paul Volquardson and Chester. thing that a lot of Democrats wou'd xS N E T Co ...... 168 The meeting of the local Grange ist Home Mission Board, was re who are willing to enter public ser Cliarles Robbins, and tliey expect Wage Difference. was held Wednesda> evening., with, turned here from Winnipeg. He like to lorget.'and would like to Below is given a comparison of Maniifactiiriiig Stocks OVERCOATS vice after they finished normal that Mr. Sessions will entertain the 70 the prr,gram in cha.’ge of the Chap disappeared August 15. school courses. have t’ne fanners forget. The Un the weekly earnings in Manchester, xAm Hardware ..... 68 members with an account of some derwood tariff included most of the American Hosiery .. 22 lain, Mrs. Cora Hutchins. There a::d A cry of “ Carnes has escaped!” Dr. Meredith tonight starts a of his experiences while abroad. and the wages paid in foreign were readings by Mrs. Ethel Blake went up when the prisoner and his speaking tour in 27 towns of Con products of ou»' agriculture on th-.* countries; American Silver .... 25 free list, and the farmers and work- Arrow Elec pfd ....104 ly and Mrs. Maud Carpenter. Miss guards failed to a>'near. The of necticut to discuss the report of the GEORGE RERAN DEAD Weaving. Margaret Hutchins gave a ,talk ficers had manage^ to elude the
ledge ^of this kind is a blg'fajCtpr. Jn, ) AT; n^ing.'intelligent mpchaplcs ft'pjm,- L ^ R TO PRK a ; v Evening CoursiM | tM l group that is cPmipP'qiy 'kna^h'- ROSE DUBROWSKI BIGffiPPELIN . .• . * r . V ..J. ~ . . ■ . , - ’ - * a » "exp'erlenced workman.’^ ;- ■ ” t T O vv .:; V -i.... '. Offered am ? tliis department' of ',eveniug; - i .^>..4 * - • icmjpl/, Instruction, Inexpe^ipnchd; TO START FOR STATE T R ipi|j *'>ung. men ’ may iireceiyel^eleindtt^ Structlon^' in ^the' c’oiidtfuc|iPn pt, Glass (Jutter to SCHOOL " Bctrlcal^power machinery-, and -"TOpenVUp New Depairtineiit U .S. TUESDAY i tii\ .> j f^e.the e.y,ening schobUls, cTopedi}h^;, J: In PMk Building. / V Woman Who Figored in A Series Describing j §5PUld complete . spVeral \ ex^pPTir J Inm at Local Institution. '' ments oh simply, direct, and .al : ;"’^^rfehiird. Langpr,. forjtner.ly con- ternating grind power generatl'^r pe^d?with;'Bamfoi[’^’B.^jf8. now as- Trag^y and Police Court flight Changes Being Made machinery. ' ' ' sdn^Ud ify^ith>, EdWftEd' ^HessA who EVENING ELEOTRICiU; ;,G^ti|^E. During the latter part ,of,'the-.',j5§ductB,a%tore at 856 Main Street course, the student will he giyqp':ln%, In the Park hulldlng ;—apdj —_specializesi.ii— Ojgehiiion Victim. to Protect Crew From structlon in Interior wiring; IncLU'drl Ip electrical fixtures and stoves.. Mr. , The Evening Electrical 'CourU ing the actual construction b|I cl!r^; Lauger will open up a new depart offered at the State Trade School is cuits demonstratng the sP-called ment- for, Mr. .'Hess which will In Cold Weather While Over a combination of practical hHop know and tube, armored cable, and Mrs.-J Rose 'Valumskl oi’ Water- clude alL types.; of auto glass 'and bury, but better remembered as .work and classroom studJ-V- It' 'is' rigid conduit forms of wiring. The windshield worlr. ' Thefe Is a large planned this year, to emphasize the [.“National Electrical Code” r.ules Mrs. Rose Dubrowskl, who first Atlantic. amount, of this work to ‘b e , dons came ipto pript when her husband,, pra,ctical side of the course, and applying to these jobs will be /em these days. \ V . to discontinue the classrookn phasized to the student, and carrying an infant in his arms, was' work after the fundamentjil ground ■methods of testing the circuits, stniqk by ,an automobile near tbe ■ ONE MORE BIG WEEK LEFT TO TAKE, ■■ Berlin, Oct. 5.— All Germany ia work has been coyere^8 the locating grounds and short circuttg Wayside Gardens In Rockville and waiting with eager anticipation for start the student is instructed in will also be thoroughly covered. killed, is dead. ADVANTAGE OF THIS .'V.^UE-GWING EVENT. the departure of the giant dirigible the nature of electricity, conductors These wiring jobs are also planned According to information receiv Count Zeppelin for the United and Insulatorg, units of measure-- to; acquaint the student with the; ed by the, police this morning her States, probably on Tuesday. Na ments, series and parallel .circuits different methods of control of elec-, death occured on October 3 in Durmg'the past week our, stores have been teeming with business as a result of tional interest centers at Frledrich- and Ohm’s Law, The shop work trical circuits by the use of various Waterbury, where she went after ' sbafen, the seat of the Zeppelin begins with a series of experiments standard types of switches. j ' hey marriage last August. Mrs. works where the finishing touches Including various methods of meas This course is Intended to, be of Dubrov/skl was married to Valunj are being put upon this magnifL uring high and low resistances. In value to, young men who are dssir-- .ski after a cbajge of neglecting ner 1 We fe finally caught up and ready for our next big week of utmost value giving in ■ cent giantress of the skies, performing these experlmfehts; or, ous of preparing themselves to children had been laid against her our last attempt to give everyone a share . in this great Profit-Sharing event I V A few slight changes are being tests, the student receives actual, enter the electrical trade, as well as .in police CO jrt here and four of the made inside the airship to give the practice in properly connecting' the to those who are already employed children, found in a dirty home on t crew better protection from th? different types of electrical meas at electrical work, but wh^ may North School street, committed to cold that prevails over the North uring instruments. Being arranged wish to extend their experiences the copnty temporary hoioe in Atlantic at this time of year. in progressive form, these experi along the lines set forth. Windsor Locks. The fifth, a baby.' Dr. Hugo Eckener, director of ments gradually carry the student iThe Electrical Department will born after'- the de.oth of her first I the Zeppelin works, who will be in. from one stage to another, th'fou^hi open on Tuesday and Friday husband, she took with her o . charge of the flight, hopes to get the operation and study of ,^he.'fh--; nights from 7 to 9 p. m. Instruo- Waterbury-.after her marriage. away on Tuesday. various commercial types of‘ direct' itors in charge are Mr. Rice and Mr. Sister .Hrings News Four more Americans have en current motors and generaidra. In Fisher, This morning a sister of M : gaged passage on tire ship and will cluding shunt, series and compovtnd Vaiomskl came to the Manch'v . pay $3,000 each for the fare. An- wound machines. From here;;.^he police station seeking Infonna'' A 1 other American who had taken pas student advances into the' M id' of as to the where abouts of the r'oi sage— Willtam B. Leeds— was forc alternating cjirrent motors and gen FIND ADDISON fdAN cnildren. She had a telegram wjiit * ed to cancel his plans owing to bus- erators, That features the i^'t'ocess SUPREME j, iness affairs which will keep him in of connecting induction , ilipldrs t(^r if DEAD IN HIS BED wag sent to her under date o f’^O' l Europe. various voltages and speeds. iAc\pal‘ 3 from Waterbury to Pennpy) PROFIT- Four Americans tests of alternating current genera vania,. telling of the death. . Two of the four additional Amor tors. both isolated and in parallel, Richard Longer From the Information given hv, , leans who succeeded in getting pas operation under all conditions' of ' 'William Little, aged 62, was the sister to the police it appears SHARING sage upon the luxurious air liner load, give the student actual epn-^ ^ciind dead yesterday afternoon in ^ Mn Langer has had plenty, df ex that there are conditions sii, , are Frederick Gilfallen and Robert tact with the performance of thps^’ he'd'at his home just noith of the perience in cutting'and fitting glass rounding the death which have .ic SPECIAL Reiner, the latter being a resident machines. A brief but conff^e-" ^Addison postofflee. Mr. Little had for automobile windows and wind been cleared up. The sister told 1 iir. of Waehawken, N. J, The identity of hensive study of the more co^l^drf lived alone for a grea. number of shields. The latest type;machinsry police. It was said, that death tc? the other two was not revealed. single and polyphase transfoViiaer years. He had a fainting spell Wed in connection with this work has lowed an illegal operation perform . r . The decision of Dr. Eckener to connections are Included. ’ nesday night while in the Addison been installed at Mr, Hess’ store ed in Waterbury. provide warmer quarters for the The work up to this 'store and it is believed that heart and Hess is prepared to take care of The slster’i reason for coming crew followed the latest trial flight particular Interest and valiie'lb'the' disease caused his death. Mr. Little this work in the best possible man to Manchester was tef locate tire , of 34 hours when a number of the electrical Installation and'Uiainteh-’ was discovered by his next' door ner. - > children now In County' Temporary members of the crew developed ance man who desires instriidtidn neighbor, Fred Tucker, who went Home, colds. in connecting various typeS’.of ktarit-'' to' the Little home to listen to the BUILDING PERmTS Capt. Rosendahl, Commander of ing and control devices uUfed In 'in World Series game over the radio. Building permits for the month SPECIAL POLICE ,'..the United States Navy dirigible dustrial establishments.' ’ Here , Mr’. Li*tie leaves one sister. Mrs. of September number thlrty-elgh; Hartford, Conn., Oct. 5.— Cover and the amount of the permits was Los Angeles, w'ho came to Germany acquires a knowledge jidl'-' ■Aythur Strong of Addison. Funeral nor-Trumbull today named a group . . to make the flight over the Atlan ticular service for which; Vai'^'rlg arrangements are not complete. $106,310, most of the permits be of special police at the request of tic on the Count Zeppelin, also con typqp of electrical machine's are' de ing for new work. Two of them the New Haven raHroad. They in tracted a cold. He spent yesterday signed, anu he becomes fa'ffiiUar^ There are more than 2,000,000 were additions to factories which clude James E. McCarthy, of /Vow in bed but said he expected to be with their performance qhder the acres of peanuts under cultivation accounted for $33,000 of the total, Haven; Fred Roselle, of Hyde out today and to be fully recovered varying conditions of loa'd.' Kffp^t- in America. while eight dwellings were also in Park, N, Y., and Elmer O". Wigg of before Sunday. cluded in the list of ^permits. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. I While the tentative date of de r r = r -...... — iziitimrtEti parture has been set for Tuesday it will depend upon the weather. Dr. r AND FOOT STOOL Eckener is confident that the great -.IcI ch I r.yl/ j-ship could ride through severe f!0 " storms, but he does not want to take any chancea while carrying passengers. ABOUT TOWN ' ONE DOLLAR A WEEK For a comfortable evening at home you could scarcely add a more appropriate piece of fur niture than one of these beautiful Coxwell chairs. And a better price we guarantee you will find hundred. .^pd, fifty-six lists nowhere. Attractively upholstered in choice velours with tapestry or frieze seat and back. Fine P,^W€re ffiailed yesterday by the as ly constructed frame with all exposed parts in walnut. Footstool to match. At $32.50 It rep sessors to "non-resident taxpayers. resents one o{ our best Profit-Sharing Specials. <> John E. Dwyer, .who has been employed by the Connecticut Com ‘‘Where You Can pany, has entered the employ of the Benson Furniture Company 2 -■iff '-v Afford to Buy STORES Good Furniture” as a salesman.
Cheney Brothers have sold an ; Store - SOUTH Uptown Branch other house oh Eldrige street, this time the buyer being Mr. and Mrs. 0pp. High School MANCHESTER 825 Main S t Abraham McCann who have occupied the house they now purchase- for about D ’ ; i t I forty years. This makes four houses . ?; i 1 .. I/' ; the'company has sold on the street, I . I alt single houses. The company 5.98 29. owns eight houses on one side of FIRE HOSE WAS FIRST AMERICA NOW n n S T SEEKS MANCHESTER’S 5 this street and twelve on the other, all of which are to be sold. James Coats Hearn, who is another old resident Feminine! : GOOUPRODUCT IN MAiONG OF GUNS CHART®.(M TREE of the street, occupying one of the houses owned by Cheney Brothers, Flatteringr! L *. ; • r;i 49.50 *“ 250 ’• t .. 1 (Continued'from page 1 ) is planning .to purchase the house, The first commodity thut Dr^ B. State Library Wants tci Check hi which he lives and will, probably -v> J.' j'PI i •*.* <1. Ei Goodrich manufactured when he Up Fate of Senator Joe do "go today or tomorrow. The newest Styl^:; Coats of very fine pelts parted Ihe. little pldllt 'at AkrOn aircraft and field weapons; ( 2 ) for sjiort and' dress wear. Chat has grown into tlji^'^resent gi- motorization, often referred to as Hawley’s Saplings. 1 Herbert L. Fortune and family, creations for ' ^ n tic Jnstitntion, wfsKfire hpsA mechanization; (3) ammunition, J who sold their home on Mather '^le second^ product .was. garden A circular letter has been sent and (4) small arms. t street and bought a farm near hpse. These two products'.OTOW that out by the Connecticut State i Piainfield, have returned to town I'n the very mupdatiob r'iib- The showing of the army ord ! and are now living on Starkweather Library to tree wardens In all townb t^r-Industry, the comfelhaVibn of of the state asking for information ; street. rhbber and cotton fabric.formed the. inance equipment was on a larger isoale than ever before attempted as. to the fate of the Charter OaAr k^sic for manyiof its itfbst ifcapor^- saplings distributed to delegates tp I Frang Prete, son of Mr. and Mrs. aht,-products. ' Rubber'Apd, cotton in peace" time. The spectators weie J Antonio Prete of 117 Birch street ‘given a succession of thrills from the constitutiopAl .convention of have stuck together, so tp'.sbis&k, as twenty-five years ago by United * has this •week entered Connecticut tpaeparable and now are'the' para'- ■early-morning to night. I Agricultural college at Storrs as, a States Senator Joseph R. Hawley- qtonnt materials in automobile tires ; Soldiers donned gas masks, The embryo trees, were cutting*; { sophomore. His sister Carolyn is a tde^ greatest volume product in the threw down a'smbke screen, and 5 freshman at the same institution. from the original Charter- Oak and' rshber industry. , .^hen wet t Into actjop'as if in a real Senator Hawley asked each dele f According' Cp .^jilr. BruUneri^ lochl battle. Tanks o f' all < descriptions -— ■Mrs. Arthur Bronkie is chairman gate to the convention to see that deader in Goodrich Silvertown'tires, were fpreed to undergo the'severest his cutting was planted in his owA of the fall rummage sale which the d^e of the most Important proh- tests, as for example climbing up TfAtMes' ■'of the South Methodist town. Now the State. Library is trj^f l§ms in the manufacture of the and down four large hills In suc- church are to hold on the 25th and Ing to find how the various saplings i ' combined rubber and cotton cord ' cession. Some of the tanks made it, have thrived, after 25 years. * J6th of this month. On carcass for tires, is the applicatiop Ihe committee with her are 1.95 *“5.9 50 c *^3.49 others got stalled. The night firing A year ago a similar inquiry was of live high grade rubber to the of apti-alrcraft guns was spectacu begun by a special cpmmittee namV Irs. Abram McCann and Mrs. RoT?-* edrds so that th^:gfeafe!»t strength ^rt Martin. They plan to have the lar to an extreme and repeatedly ed by the governor but It evidently, Of kid suede and fabrics will result. T^ld^'^}eVd8- r j^ t be en drew applauce from the spectators. petered out, for now the LIbrar*. kale in a vacant store in the Hotel tirely free of moiinttire/that the J r Sheridan building. The women of Is undertaking tfie job. At that Metallics,.. the new.gloves come in a rubber may be.'therougb]jk;,lngiralned , “ It was a splepdid and worth time the Manches'ter*'‘'t'ree wardefl* She church are asked to have the host of lovely fall shades into their , miliiona. of tiina fih^s, . while- deAqnstration,’’ was the 3iale in mind and donations will be tried to find out where the Man'l-. it“ Cords, t ^ a t .^ mad;d^^ thd-'irest 'icommeqt .pt VSectetaTy :ot4 War Chester sapling, presumably giveU .icalled for by notifying any of the Velvets 'D.wigh|: F. Davis,' 'onA*.o.f£tbe many s^ommittee. long staple - V gr,;^ to this town’s delegate to the con tensile stren^'Ci^ th.orqi*tiihly .prdmln'efit arMy'.pMcihlsi w'hb wit- vention, the late Col. Frank W' t ------Felts nessed^the spectacle.'’ The occasion g Rev. Watson Woodruff will dried by an exciaBiV/l^ Goodrich pro Cheney, was planted. The warden cess.” Mr. Brunner said- “ Before for the exercise was the tenth an could find out Nothing about It.' jireach at the services to be con- nual meeting of the Army Ordnance lucted by the local lodge of Masons “ A! hat for .ev^i^ they bound together with rubber The present Tree Warden, Park. Irito sheet fabric form for working Association and among those pres Superintendent-; Horace Murphey, It the Masonic Home in Walling- head." ^ ent were the leading munition lord on Sunday afternoon. liitQ tire carcass, they-Are, thorough would appreciate any information.; ly inspected for the, smallest dmf makers of ths country. concerning the tree. f , perfection. This is one of the most The West Side Recreation whists important of all the.pai^ lnspec- lat have been held on Thursday tfons given Goodrich materials. The ivenings are to be held cn Friday cprds in a tire bear about the Ahhiie jvenin^,_sUrting tonight. relation to each other in a tfre car cass as links in a chain." '' Pastor and Mrs. E. Greene ac- i' [ Mr. Brunhner sal.d that,' except ompanied by Mrs. C. E. Johansson for the steel wire that makes the Are You A Voter? eft Wednesday afternoon by auto Children’s bead of a tire— that hard rim that mobile, to attend a birthday party '* ' «»tS' fields , the tire on the wh^el—-rub- honor of the former pastor of the and cotton-iAre.'the niatii mate- . QUALIFICATIONS NECESSARY redish Congregational church, Department jlals in tires. ' ? '"1 | ■ ’ ' . “ ■ ' ' ' . * ' * lev. A. E. Anderson at bis home in ♦ . All persons of good character, 21, years of age or Torcester, Mass.? It- was his eigh- V i t o eth birthday. BmiNGS-MAINE over, born in the United States. I?f)l^naturalized citi Coats ^V zens. A. married woman^.or a widow who was^^marri^ The Sunshl&e Club of the Swed- I to a citizen prior to September 22,1922, and who has not flh Con^reigbtfonal church held a Dresses' i When madiame and mademoikelle step forfeited her citizenship' by a subsequent marriage to meeting at the hotoe of the Misses forth with fashion this fall, Coats very 1.00*^5.98 '4'Mrs. Lucy AA^ Mali^'|f QWtery^ Vllle was' mari^ed lapf' klghl i tc an alien. , ' v ' ' wrtrude and Myrtle Rosendahl of simiar to the one sketched, wiH be worn.'. Hackmatack street last evening. Hats BAbert john.-,t.-Bi^ngsi'lor-Quarry- ■ ciliizen .i^ust^ have' resided in this State fo r one Every, new -autumn'4^t, mode is*,hefe! , New and interesting 3e meeting was called to order by 0 cdi^^bliy pArfopr::- ;^ar and in the Town where he is to be made six months le chairman, C. E. Johansson and For little tots aird— Every new fur tidramihg^! , Every hew ■styles , ^ developed, , of 'e'd by-ltev., ,,w. D..:;'JlNJBijiwia'd,;j?of before he. or she^h be made a voter. le jmonthly business of the club suede,- calfskin and Manchester in the presence of i Growing Girls.' bue, Iff": All applications to be made must be sent to the »8 tranMctcd. Following the bus- ' • / « '.grained leathers. friends, it the ho.me of John Wltt- lesa’ niTOting a social time w;aS en- 44 .ho't- 'bian, of'that'place. Mrs. Bil^ngs Registrars of VotetWi)efQie October 9,1928., . , , 1C ; lye(l.aad,,refreshments were-serv- /J hAs;been hoiiseieeper. dSac Mfi .Wltt- SENDiYOUR'ARPUGAtlON^ «k- 4 m m ' - .».v '■ , ” .'f * : i.-'nwS ' . ' -• ..''-4- ■ -■- •'4' ■■■•'. • V ' . * ■ -'O-' - ' i'/ ■*'«. • . y ' : ■ -".i- . . . a ■, 4_'. -•'> ». ■. ' . ■ ■ ^ Ti 'TilliiMfilr liiT ^ 1 h lYft f-^iTi t~ i PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING-HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928.
DAILY RAPIO PROGRAM i IV 399.8— W TAM , CLE VELAND —750. Leading DX Stations. Friday, October 5. I 7:U0—.losters; baseball scores. A talented Spearman will whistle for 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 475.9— WSB, A TL A N T A —630. 11:00—Studio recital. 9:00—W JZ program s (2 lira.) King Spenr during the Wrlglcy review 11:00—Home builders program . through \VJ/i and associated stations 440.9— WeX-WJR, DETROIT—680. 8:30—W.IZ program s (1V4 hrs.) 11:45—Kalohi’s H aw altans ensemble, at 0 o’clock Friday night. Nola Is the 526—KYW, CHICAGO—570. whistler's choice and additional solos 10:00—H arm ony, piano tw ins. 10:30—O rchestra; “SIntie.” 8:30—W JZ program s (2V4 hrs.) will- he ’’Temptation Hug.” hy an 11:00—Movie Club dram atization. xylophonist, ’’Serenade Uadine,” a 535.4— WTIC, HARTFORD—560. 7:30—Ask Me A nother. 11:30—Studio a rtists frolic. Imnjo number, and an accordionist 389.4—W B BM , CHICAGO—770. . will present “My Toreador” by I'adll- 8:00—WTIC studio party. 8:00—Musical program. 9:00—Orchestra; piano moods. Clothes for the lo. Voeal numbers will be ’’Indian 10:30—Lom bardo's Canadians, Dawn,” “That’s an Irish Lullaby,” 9:30— Miss Minneapolis, the guards men. 11:00—C lassics; dance music. ' “How About It?” and ”Say When.” 10:00—AVE.\F artists program . 365.6—W E B H -W JJD . CHICAQO’-ia o . The Pickard Family, singers of old 422.3— WOR, N E W ARK—710. 7:00—Symphony orchestra; talk. Southern songs, will be featured in a 7:15—Knickerbocker orchestra. 9:00—M ooseheart children's hour. program through the same chain of 8:00—Lone S tar Rangers.. 416.4— W GN.W UB, CHICAGO—720. statio n s ■ a t ,S. The vocalists will be 8:30— Republican National Committee 11:15—O rchestra, soprano. Colder supported by an orchestra and novelty 9:00—True stories, drama. 12:00—D ream ship; porters. enscmitle. Highlights for 8 inelude an- 10:00—Opera, "Sampson and Delllan. 12:45—D rake dance music. otlier coneert by Larry Urior’s Ttmeful 344.6— W LS, CHICAGO—870. Troupe through WEAK and allied sta 10:30—United Salon orchestra. 11:05—A stor orchestra. _ - 9:00—Studio concert. tions at and military music by 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—500. 11:00—Showboat, o rg a n ist artists, For School Time or Play Wear the lO.'.th l''icld Artillery band under 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. Weather 7:00—Ram blers’ concert. the direction of William Barret 7:30—W.IZ Dixie’s circus. 8:30—Orphos feature hour. through WNVe. A radio revue of 10:00—Amphlon concert ensemble. 9:00—WOR broadcasts (2 hrs.) famou.s mlcrophohe^ stars will be radi 9:00—W JZ program s (1V4 hrs.) 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy; talk. ated as the. weekly offering of the 10:30—Lowe’s dunce orchestra. 11:30—Potpourri: orchestra. Concert Bure.att througli the N. B. C. 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—610. 499.7— W FAA , DALLAS—600. It" Chose as you may your chain a t 10. vV'iiUer Keefe will -be 6:00—W aIdorf-.\storia music. 8:00—W EA F orchestra; quarteL COATS master of ceremonies and the Medi 6:5i)—Baseball scores. 10:00—Studio entertainm ent. ^(ilectioh will be in ' the terraneans dance band under the di 7;00—H appy AVoiidcr Bakers. 374.8—w o e , DAVENPORT—800. rection of Hugo Mariani, will support 7:30—H appiness boys. 9:30—WEAI’’ programs (1% hrs.) height of vogue at whatever the artists. At the same time the 8:00—Cities Service concert. 11:00—M euer’s orchestra . __ famotis grand opera, “Sampson and 9:00—An evening in P aris. 325.9— KOA, DENVER—920. of Sport Tweeds well Uclilah,” will be presented for listen 9:30—Brier’s tuneful troupe. 11:05—WEAF dance orchestra. price you pay. ers of WOK and Columbia stations. 10:00— N. B. C. concert bureau. 11:30—M usical river scenes. 11:00—St. Regis orchestra. 12:00—Old popular songs. lined and warmly in; Clack face type Indicates best features 454.3— WJZ. NEW YORK—660. 499.7— W BAP, f o r t W O R TH —600. e ;00—Skylarks: baseball scores. 10:00—O rchestral concerL All programs Eastern Standard Time 0:30—Children’s program . n :00—Showboat, organist artists. terlined ...... 7;0n—Park Central orchestra. 11:30—Musical program s (2V4 hrs.) Leading East Stations. 7:30—Dixie Circus. 499.7—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—600. 8:00— Pickard family, musicians. 8:00—Orchestra, bass, violinist, nRESS COATS 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY -noo. 8:30— Quakers program with a male 10:30—A rlington strin g trio. 9:00— Playground vocalists. octet. 340.7— WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—880. 0:30—'rraym oro concert orchestra. 9:00—Wrigley musical review. 7:30—Orchestra, artists. lij;00—Studio entertainment. 10:00—Stromberg-Carlson hour. 9:00—WJZ Wrigley review. 10:30—T hree dance orchestras. 10:30— Democratic campaign talk. 10:00—Studio concert. 235.5—W BAL, BALTIM ORE—1050. 11:0(1—Shimiior imisie. 11:00—D ance orchestra. $14.75 to $59.50 $24.95 to $95.00 8:30—W.IZ Quakers hour. 315.6— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—350. 370.2—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—810. —tv.lZ Wrigley review. I:!)!)—P.a.seliall: ensem lilo. 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) in;ii0—WJZ Stromherg-Carlson hour. 7:30—W.IZ program s (3 hrs.) 9:00—Studio entertainm ent. 10:30—Uoniocratic campaign program. 10:30—A gitators concert. 12:4.5—Nighthawk frolic. 468.5—KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. 461.6—WNAC, BOSTON—650. 461.6— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—650. 7;00-Violin and piano ducts. 12:00—M oore’s dance orchestra. Ladies’ and Misses’ 0:3.')—Siiopjn-tl dinner music. 1:00—N. B. C. dance music. 7:11—Amos ’n’ Andy. 7:30—Motor talk; Gtmhee. 8:0(1—WEAF programs (t hrs.) 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—740. OTHERCOATS...... $5.74to$24.95 7 —Stories; pianist; talk. 200.2—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1070. 9:30—M erry R am blers program . X.-OO—Tlie Oracle’s entertainment. 10:00—W JZ program s (1 hr.) 0:00—w o n broadcasts (2 hrs.) 8:30—W.IZ Quakerfs hour. 9;0n—AV.IZ Wrigley review. 11:1.5—Long’s dance orchestra. , 302.8— WGR, BUFFALO—990. 10:00—W JZ Strom berg-C arlson hour. 336.9— WSM, NASHVILLE—890. Smart New 7:0(1—\V1-:a F program s (4 hrs.) Organ request program. 9:00—WJZ Wrigley review. Il:u0—Van Surdam’s orchestra. 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 10:00—Caidwell Symphony orchestra. 545.1— W M AK, BU FFALO —550. r>,:35—Time: weather: markets. 384.4— KQO, O A K LA N D —780. 6:30—.Magglo’s dhnee music. 2:00—Rom ano’s orchestra. 12:30—Moon m agic hour. 7:30—WGY programs (1 hr.) —stock reijoris: baseball. 1:00—The London Singers, D resses 8:30—WOR broadcasts hrs.) 0:30—D inner concert. 2:00—G irvin’s orchestra. 428.3—W LW , CINCINNATI—700. , 7:20—Baseball: health talk. 254.1—W R VA , RICHM OND— 1180. 9:00—W.IZ program s (1V4 lirs.) 7:30—General Electric hour. 9:00—W JZ W rigley review. 10:1,5—.Studio entertainment. Dresses 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. 8:30—Musical program . 11:10—Vt'JZ Slum ber music. .9:00—W...... EA F program...... s (2 hrs.) 12:00—Richmond orchestra. of Jersey Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. In choice models. Velvet, Satin 503.2—W EEl ,BOSTON—590. 8:00—Studio entertainm ents. 275.1—W ORD, B A TA V IA —1090. Two piece style and Canton Crepe 8:00—WJJAF program s (IV^ hrs.) 11:00-Denn\’s dance orchestra. 8:00—Concert: agriculture talk. 9:30—tieapolitan Country Club. 309.1—WABC. NEW YORK—970. 9:00—Musical program : artists. trimmed’ with 10:00—WEAK artists concert. 8:15—Organist: feature program. 288.3— W EN R , CHICAGO—1040. velvet and 361.2— WSAI, CINCINNATI-830. 10:01—Dance orchestra; artists. 9:00—O rchestra: tw ins; artists. 7:30—Four K Safety Club. 348.6—WGBS, NEW YORK—860. 1:00—Dance orchestra; artists. hand embroid $15 00 8:00—W FA F program s (3 hrs.) 8:15—Art songs; strhig quartet. 305.9— W H T , CHICAGO—980. 11 :ii()_Castle Farm orche.stra. 9:00—M eurer concert hour. 10:00—Ramblers: concert ensemble. ery. 265.3— W HK, CLEVELAND —1130 10:00—Music.nl inter!ude; accordionist. 12:00—Your hour league. 8:30—WOK programs (1V4 hrs.) 10:30—Jazz songs; delivery boys. 535.4— WHO, DES MOINES—660. 10:30—Two dance orchestr.as. 11:00—-Vrc.ndia dance music. 8:30—Drake University hour. :^HER DRESSES 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 394.5— WHN, NEW YORK—760. 9:00—Younger Brothers orchestra. 8:00—Dance orchestr.'i: Rotologue. 8:30—Orchestra, ai8isfs (3>i hrs.) 9:30—W EA F program s (2 ^ h rs.)’ P ’5 - f 6 r SPORT, STREET,- DRESS, 9:30—Musical program . 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 416.4— KHJ, LOS ANGELE8-t720. iri:00—WK.VF concert: orchestra. 8:15—Cornelist; educational talk. ll:0f)—Studio entertainers. , ; ^ OR DINNER WEAR 11:30—Hollywood frivolities: organ. <);()()—Violinist, iiaritone, pianist. 12:00—Instrum entalists, vocalists. 475.9— CNRA, - MONCTON—730. 9:Cn—I/Chigh serenaders d.nnce. 1:00—Troubadours, artists. 9:0.'i—Instrumental etunrtet. 365.6— VifCSH, PORTLAND—820. 322.5— W HAS, L O U IS V ILLE —930, 9:3(1—Davis-Cartland program. 10:30—Studio concert: orchestra. 10:00—The Four Sincere. 508.2—W OW , O M AHA—5C0. OTHER DRESSES...... $1.00 and up $9.9 5 ° $35-00 '1:00—Little eoneert orchestra. 10:00—Studio concert. 410—CFCF, MONTREAL—720. <68.5—WRC, W ASHINGTON—640. 11:00—Musical, vocal recital.' 7:00—Battle’s orchestra. 6:00—W EAF program s (5 hrs.) 2:00—Artists program. iO 3 3 ! Oft . Songs My Motlier Taught Me, offers a considerable group of GLOVE Dvorak. courses in the field of government Millinery VII dealing with theoretical and des The Bee, Schubert. criptive branches of the subject. In advance Winter WTIC 7:30— Jack says, “Ask Me An- Though the work now offered is SPECIAL styles. other?” substantially equivalent in scope i<> Travelers Insurance Co. 8:00—Scott’s Furriers. ^ that of other liberal arts colleges, Hartford 9:00— Musical program. need has long been felt for further Gray, Black and Tan 9:00—Howard corect time. development ^ of study along lineff Kid • $1.9 5 “ 535.4 m. 560 k. c. 9:30— Miss Minneapolis and The which offer the student the largest Guardsmen. opportunities for usefulness In the 10:00—National Broadcasting and political life of his community. The $5.95 Program for Friday. Concert Bureau Hour. Cowles Foundation now makes this $2.25 11:00—News and weather. possible. A part of the Income will P. M. be used to equip the University with 6:25—.Summary of program and a comprehensive collection of ma news bulletins. terials relating especially to the 6:20—Hotel Bond Trio, Emil YALE GETS ENDOWMENT practical problems of state and mu Heimberger, director. nicipal governments, and the activi 4 ACRES OF LAND, 6:55—Baseball scores. FOR GOVERNMENT STUDY ties of political parties and the elec MALLORY REGISTRARS’ NEW BUNGALOW 7:00— Dorfink’s Dinner Ense.mble. torate. Another part of the Fund The Dinner Ensemble program will make possible a series of NOTICE! 5 rooms and bath on one looks very promising this eve Alfred Cowles Foundation Es courses to provide a historical ning. For the opening four tablished With Gift of $350,- background of government, and to HATS RIAXCHK.STKR. CONN. floor, room for 3 more rooms Sa9e '9tlkn & (Co. numbers the ensemble will pla.v 000 It Is Announced. utilize these materials under the The Registrars of Electors of,the the “Carmen Suite” by Bizet. direction of a distinguished teacher Town of Manchester .will be in on second floor. One jnile 2-7171 2-7171 Rubin Segal, who has been heard ] soon to be added to the faculty, session at the on previous programs from New Haven, Conn., Oct. 5.— Yale 1 Graduate work will be promoted by from Manchester Green'P. 0. ■WTIC and also 'on the concert University has received a gift of offering generous fellowships to se School bus passes door. HARTFORD stage, will be heard in two violin $350,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Philii) lected students of Yale and other MUNICIPAL BUILDING solos. Included on this program B. Stewart, of Santa Barbara. Calif, universities: and efforts will be Price very reasonable. are “Red Rose” by Hadley ana Alfred Cowles, of Chicago, 111., and i made to stimulate intensive, study Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cowles, of Tuesday Oct. 9, 1928 “Songs My Mother Taught Me" of political problems by undergrad $500 down, easy terms. Spokane, Washington, to establish uates through honor courses open by Dvorak, hotli are 5vell known the Alfred Cowles Foundation for Prom 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and liked. to students of high rank. lo receive ajipHcations of those en the Study oT Government. Alfred “Though .designed primarily as I Cowles, in lyhose memory the Foun titled to he made voters “Carmen Suite,” Bizet. cultured studies, the new courses No applications to he made will be BOYS’SHOP- dation is established, was the fatli- will provide valuable training of a Prelude. er of Mrs. Stewart, William H. received after 5 p. in. Tuesday, Les .-Aragonaise. practical nature for men who plan Octolier 1), W. Harry England Cowles, '87, and Alfred Cowles. to enter the public services after Dragon d’Alcala. '86. He was one of the owners of ROliEKT N. VEITCH, Manchester Green Store Is Headquarters for Everything Toreador. graduation: and it is hoped that LOUIS T. BREEN, the “Chicago Tribune,” of which he they will interest an increasing II was also business manager for many Regi.strars of Voters. Phone 74 a Boy Needs— Canzouetta from the Violin. number of students in these lines Manchester, Conn., Sept. 28, 1028. years. He died in 1889. of life 5vork.” Concerto, Tschalkowsl;y. “This generous and timely gift From neckties to knickers, from socks to suits! Rubin Segal, violinist. will enable Yale to proceed at once THE ANSWER Style is the kernel Assortfnents are complete and varied, and prices Drchestral accompanieraent. with plans for the- promotion of the III Here Is the answer to the Letter most attractively low. study of those phases of American Golf puazle on the comics page: of our success. You Red Rose, Hadley. government which are of chief prac IV SHAVE, STAVE. STARE, STARS, tical importance to the citizen,” SEARS. BEARS, BEARD. can get hat quality Boys’ Wool Anita, Arr.- Pollack. President James Rowland Angell V said today in commenting upon the anywhere if you pay Announcing Knickers Violin solo, Tambourin Chinos, gift. “At present largely through Alas! Few big jobs are held hy the price, but style is ?1.98 to $4.50 Kriesler, Rubin Segal. the aid of tlie Eugene Meyer, Jr., men who were pointed out as good VI Public Service Fund, the college examples in their boyh.cod. not a matter of price, Knickers which al but of keen intuition Our ways look well and are durable too! im and life-long study. Tweed mixtures, homespuns, cheviots, and worsteds. In tan, $5 $5 $7 brown, gray and navy- PREFERRED- GLASS DEPT. blue. In Charge of Blouses By thousands of Manchester people because of 89c In a splendid selection of its quality Serviceable madras new styles. and percale blouses RICHARD LANGER that can be tubbed often, and come out as $1.50 to $2.50 Specializing in Auto Glass and good as new. Plain Manchester Dairy blue or blue with fig and Windshields ured pattern. Sizes Prompt and Satisfactory Service 6 to 16. SYMINGTON Slip-oh Sweaters Ice Cream Mr. Langer is well qualified to do this . ■ . ’1 $2,98 Eat it the year round for health and pleasure. No SHOP work having had, plenty of experience.' AT THE CENTER Pure wool sweaters for school and sports wear. other dessert offers so much as delicious ice eream. At In solid colors, heather mixtures and novelty de your neighborhood store or favorite soda fountain. ( HAIL KILLS SHEEP signs. V or “ring” necks. Tan, blue, green'.: Sizes 26 to 36. . . • f v 0 ' London.-^It is' eBtlmatO(cI that 1000 sheep were killed In the dus- EDWARD HESS Boys* Shop—Main Floor itrict surrounding Constance, Sas- Headquarters for Electrical Supplies. Manchester Dairy Ice Cream Co. ikatchewan, by an unprecedentc-d hall storm recently.; Several hi' -sea 855 Main Street, South Manchester were also reported victims the Phone 525 itorm.
A church for men only would not last long enough to be named. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT - 5. 1 r >• * r* / < ^ ‘-i f \ A ' .
“HAS ANYBODY HERE ^ ■U-ti- Qi' HERRUPS . 'BiBaifliiMaj ^ oinnL Him im muiu SIS.-iHu »niK^. Hi^ ^ ^^ffOOUVKMIUUUiB ------5------^ V si3iu.jaaiiC:JUHK - SEEN KELLY?” COMING ‘ 'hi' ! ■ ' s'i ■ T ^ V *'v > V > - - *■'! V- ’V*- '' - T '-.y. / '■i "■V . H A I ^ T T b R l i Famous Song Now a Film Pro I r , .> «; -4. From 9 .to 12 A. M. Ou/y ; ^ r ‘ duction—At State Tomor From 9 to 12 A. M. Only «; row.; * Card Tables^ I Radio or Desk ‘ ^ As thoroughly . delightful and I Lamps amusing as" to the old song from A well made Card Table which the title is taken, “Anybody ^ —told'! easily and com- J I Adjiistabls long neck Here Seen Kelly?” has at last *■10 paclJy. Only one to a j ^ Radio or Desk Lamps, I * -A cu.stomer. No mall. X been i^apted to the screen and will A - - ■ ■ phone or C. O. D. Or finl.shed in brance and be shown at the State theater to ders gree.T. Only I to a custo- ’ -morrow. Tom Moore and Bessie mer. No matt, phone or Love have the principal roles. None Sold After Noon! C. O. D. erders.' There is nothing deep or too None Sold After Noon! ' dramatic about the story. Yet it is touched by an arresting quality of sincerity that is particularly cnmpellin.g in a light comedy of this sort. It is a human theme and handled with a sense of humor and a deft touch that fits it perfectly Universal has succeeded in making p type of novel and pleasing picture rarely given to film audiences. Besides Tom Moore and Bessie Love, the cast includes Kate Price, Alfred Allen, Tom O’Brien and many other screen notables.. The companion feature for to morrow present Tim McCoy, popu lar cowboy star, in “Beyond the Serrias,” his latest MGM W estern Special. Thrills, action and mystery are packed Into this rapidly-moviny / drama of love and intrigue in the days'when the wealthy Spanish Dons ruled on both sides of the Rio Grande. McCoy as a mysteriously Sharply Reduced! 8 Fine Pieces young adventurer will have you Bigger rSavings On 3-Pc. Velour bvutes holding onto your seat, gasping for In order to fully appreciate a value like breath. Regular vr this, you must visit our spacious show j Regttlar Be’ sure to see these splendid sr.Hes to-raor- Anotlier thririing chapter of P R I C R ^ a ^ Priciis to SlOO “The Police , Kenorter." and an rooms to'see the marvelous beauty and de , row.^ Various patterns of heavy, colori-jl n > Itiifierial Cumedy will he. shown in sign. The beautiful walnut finish is well You velour to choose fi’onl. Come early to-mor addition fo the two features. matched and grained. The large Buffet, Sunday'' and Monday brings row and make your choice. F-uough suites Save the Extension Table, Host Chair and five rSave . Richard Dix in “Warming Up,” his for one day’s selling. The spaciou.s Divan, latest and greatest picture. $3fi| Side Chairs are all included. China Cabi Up To $31 net slightly extra. $1,50 WEEKLY. the Wing Chair and Club Chair are included. $1.50 WEEKLY^ CAXNIIJ.ALS WITH TAILS London, Oct. 5.— Cannibal tribes men with tails that inhabit the -Va— iSifl’’ Crocodile Islands in the South Pa ” !!l cific are described by Sir George H. ,'.r* IdUT. I ® Wilkins in his latest- book "Undis , , g 1 * »» covered Australia.” The book was ■ 1 published today. 1 J
• ■ — -- — — j Need Money to Pay Up Your Bills? \ tS ir
Our FamUsr Loan Service W UM veAUTour Choice of Any 3 of These Pieces R eg u lar R eg u lar " Money Problem s P ric e $110 P rice $180 3-Pieces In Fine Mohair A beautifully designed suite^ith the panels d l O O L O A N payable $5 enhanced with the motif decoration. You We are making this astounding offer monthly, plus lawful You You for to-morrow only! It will pay you interest. t must come to-mtnToVf# this value as it will Save Save to see the beautiful custom-built suites cause a senfiation: -’^hitose aft^^, three pieces H $ 2 0 0 L O A N payable $10 we are displaying at exceptional low monthly, plus lawful for $79.00, The full size^ Bed, Dresser, $31 :$2T prices! Included in this suite is the interest. Che.st of Drawers and'^ Vanity. ' Finished in fine Divan—the Wing Chair and the $1.50 WEEKLY. mahogany. Club Chair! $ 3 0 0 L O A N p h y u b y | lS .- S1.50 W^EEKLY. monthly, filus taivful ' interest. Other Amounu in Proportion Look At This! Note the Big Savings ' ,.i- Trade In Your Old Cost fixed by law. Every repay, Special Value! ment reduces the cost.. All - READ every word of this “ad” and you may- Furniture Koansin strict privacy. gel some idea of the big savings we are offer ing to-morrow! Come prepared for a big bar-, Herrup’s offers almost liberal allowance for FKKSON.AL FINANCE gaip feast! Only a small down payment de your old furniUire on the purchase of new! ; . CpiVIFANY This reduces the cost of beautiful new furni livers anything you wish. Balance on our ture of the latest styles'to/the minimum! An UooiMS S. stale I'liehter easy credit terms. Ituililiiig. 75:! iMiriii Sii-t-cl, exclusive Herriip feature service! | .SO. iVIANVilKS I Kl{, ro.\.\. Call, Wi'ile <>r l*lmiie 1-0-4. open t!:KO to 5. Sal. S::!0 lo 1. Licensed by State, bonded to public. Breakfast Set e 1 Quality Stove i, 5 - ■ Pc. Breakfast ' I t; ■ ^ Set----- the dropleaf. d* 4 4 O C Buy this stove and be ^ Table and four chairs V ■ I convinced of. 'fo many ^ are included at this J [ J L — — fine qualities! ofoj ] J one low price! Un- is offered at 8^ tremen *49 J finished—ready for your own paint I dous saving in l^t^ce! -
America’s grertest value! Uses 6 AC tubes and l rectifier tube. Sensational Values At a Very Low Price America’s Greatest All 4 Beautiful Pieces Included! Value. ij. We have selected a fliimbeP of ■ The biggest Bedroom value that t » high grade Bedroom Suites that Regular ^ i you have seen for a long time! , fo g u la r Uses 6 AC tubes and P ric e $275 ™ i we offer to-morrowjat h|g' savings This suite is new on our floors and N’i in price! Walnut^®r kkhogany P f lc i $175 1 rectifier tube. You ,|ii. embodies the fine features of high *•*- I - veneers—dust proof drawers— You ^ade suites! Beautifully finished S ave:I:i beautifully designed^, he^yy plate Save ife v^alriut^a^ decorated! The Bed A"-'. , mirrors arid all sriate^arri'jj^tie cre-^ $2.00 WEEKLY. $1.50 $90 } fi- i -^Dre^er—Chest of Drawers— • , ; : $ 4 8 ■ Freed-Eisemaitnf* ations by Americk’^M^gest manufacturers!-. Some have-^4-post —and Vanity are included at this low price! Come to-morrow type Beds^oth^rs,.^!^ asrilluatrated! All 4 pieces iricluded! 7 ^ 1 — and be prepared for many bargain surprises!' Majestic » t-- I Our 6t%dit Steiiiite s I EVEN IN G . Also on Display at Are Offe ithout Any I APPOINTME^S
Milikowski, the Florist •s .s . I ' ayments on J r !| If it is inconvenient to come Hotel Sheridan Bldg. $1.00 up to...#.u)|D H^yments Q O A A ;! in the daytime, • just phone., $ 2 5 0 h ises up to w ^ l / U f-i ;! 2-7922 for^an eyen^fig. Payments ^ Drop in any time. $ i-i. ■,.. * I $ 6 5 0 ijies w U U U ■ I ment I Opeii every S ^ i ^ y '' • ' ...... -i • ii $12 r $1,000; ; I night till 9. ^ COR. 1 ^ ^ ' i : ■ totdw for Radio W e n SATURDAY NIGHTS Since 1922 '-r'v.t'-'. -Pa'' . - J i- .V’> •■■.A'. 'US- ■iteliv MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERAf.D. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928. PAGE SIX V, Quite evidently he forgot that his begins in the Hartford County Su fltanrifrstrr words would be heard outside the perior Court next week. From pres Rochester convehtion hall. ent indications they may pick up Health and Diet earning Brrali Now John F. Voigt, former pres there some of thp material In the PUBLlSIUfiU BY ident of the German club of Ohio handling of which they are more A dvice THB HERAl.D PRINTING CO. and assistant U. S. attorney and expert than they are in tariff mat- j Pounded by Elwood 3. El*. attorney for the Immigration Bu- ters. By DR. FK.ANK McCOT Oct, 1. 1881 r.iau at Chicago in the Taft admin Mr. Alcorn is said to stand ready New Every Kvenln* B*cea< Sundsye end istration, challenges the declara to show that certain Connecticut Holiday* _ ' Entered at the Post Oltlce at Man tion of Governor Smith in his St. state oflicials, both elective and chester OF Second Class Mall Matter, Paul speecji that “ there is no is appointive, were carried as non- Dr. McUoy will gladly answqr Priced SUU.St’KIPTU)N liAl'ES: By Mall personal questions on Dealtti 'T'-i six dollars a year, sixty cents, a sue between the parties or the can paying speculators on the books of and diet, artrtresserl to hliu. car* month ror shot let periods. didates on the question of the Im* Watkins’ concern and credited with of The Herald. Ehclose stainiit^n By carrier, etRhteen cents a week. migrayion laws/’ oroflts on Investments which they addressed, large envelope„for r.- Watkins’ Suites Singlu copied three cents. • -.1 • Mr. Voigt, Indignant over any v*ere never called on to make. ply. ' " ' SPECIAL AOVBUTISING REPRE SENTATIVE. Hamllton-De Ltsser. proposal to shut out German im This, on the face of it, looks OW priced suites like these are a reg Inc.. t<5 Madl.aon Avenue. New Yorh migrants whose kinsmen have had like shady business— as though NETTLE RASH and fill North MIchlean Avenue ular feature of our furniture dis C.Mcago. sn active and extremely Important these officials were being paid for Many people are troubled With plays. Each group represents a The Manchos;or Evening Herald is part in the upbuilding of America gomethlng. the appearance of a rash on the on sale In New York City at Schultx't real value___ well constructed furniture.. ever since colonial days, for the skin, accompanied by an intense News S'and Sixth Avenue and 4*nd Being state officials the chances stinging, burning sensation. Thl'* . .excellent designs... bpai'tiful wood se St'reet and 42nd Street entrance of sake of letting In Increased num rre that these folks, whose identi Grand Central Station and at all rash is in the, form of wheals, and lections ... Vcorrectly finished... .and at bers of nationalists which took no ties must become known in the they may become maximum size, Hontling News • Stand* • > interesting prices! part in making America but come trial, are Republicans. And if the v'arying from that of a pinhead to Client of International News Ser- that of a half dollar, within a few vlc* here to reap where others have Democrats can only find out for minutes, and they sometimes dis “ International News .Service nae the sown, protests that the assertion of sure that same Republican ofiioe- exclusive rlahts to use for republic** appear as rapidly as they form. thin In any form all news dispatches “ no issue” is untrue. holder or another was under com- These lesions may appear on any credited to or not otherwise credited In this paper If Is also exclusively “ Governor Smith In his accept pi'.ment to Roger Watkins— glory part of the skin.” and they some entitled to use for reviihlloatlun all ance speech,” said Mr. .Voigt, “ de he! what grounds that will provide times occur inside the' throat on the local or undated news puhlished clared that he is opposed to the for a nice muddy state campaign. the epiglottis, giving a choking herein " iruM Service Client of N B A sensation or feeling of suffocation. Service. Bedroom immigration quota basis 38 years Of course the circumstance that When they appear on the tongue, Dining old, referring to the quota basis of the facts are to be brought out by they may cause it to become great FRIDAY, 0CT.' 5, 1928 1890, which is now the law by a Republican state attorney can ly enlarged. Presidential decree on the advice easily be overlooked— any Demo The itching is so intense that it Group Group EIGHTH mSTHICT of Secretary of Commerce Herbert crat will know how to do that; is almost Impossible for the p.n- f It is reported that residents of tient to resist scratching, which Hcover,” Mr. Voigt said. though he may (be a bit dazed at only increases the size of the Sketched above, Shown to left, the Eighth School and Utilities “ Under the present law each the failure of a Republican admin wheals. a suite of Shera a suite of walnu: District, who have been summon-j quota country is allowed to send istration to stave off the Watkins Attacks of hives can only occur ton design with and gum wood fed to a meeting of protest against |;o the United States every year trial till after election, which is in people who are suffering from 68-inch buffet, with birdseye ma- the proposal to consolidate the|j.^.Q pgj. cent of the number of for- a form of chronic acidosis, and p I e overlays. what any Tammany-trained politi each attack is preceded by a period 44xri6-inch exten schools of the town, are laboring j gjgjj born of that nation that were Dresser, 4-drawer' cian would know enough to do. of lassitude, digestive ,disorders,- sion table, china, C-. under the misapprehension that here in the United States in 1890. coated tongue and possibly head arm chair and 5 vanity, chest- and I he proposed charter contemplates “ Taking the year 1890 as the aches. A fingernail drawn over the side chairs, full size bed. surface of the skin of these pa 1. the merging of the fire and ntili- basis allows the largest number of IN NEW YORK tients usually leaves a red line, and '^ties districts as well. unniigrants from Germany, Swe New York, Oct. 5.— West street it is possible to write words on the .' This is a notion that they den, Norway, Ireland and the provides the last scene in the end .surface of their bodies in this ' should put out of their heads at countries of Central and Northern less scenario of the soil. manner. once and finally. There Is no sug- West street tells you as you walk Poorly fed and undernourished $179 $119 Europe— the same kind of people children are most frequent suffer 1 jestlon of anything of the kind. through its crate-laden lanes, the who did so much in co-operation story of struggle and labor that ers from this disorder. The erup No recommendation to any such ’with the people of the British Isles has gone on through many seasons t'Ons are usually small and appear effect has been made to the Char 10 build up America. Now, when in many geographically scattered stout the hair follicles, accompan ter Revision Committee by any of points to make the soil produce its led by the usual intense itching. Governor Smith stated he was op In some forms of this disease, its sub-committees, we are cred- posed to an immigration quota finest product. technically known as urticaria, " ibly Informed, and there is no West street, on a chill autumn basis thirty-eight years old— that morning, reminds a lad who once there are also large swellings un ; body of opinion on the Revision is that he was opposed to the quota der the skin like small eggs, oc lived in Michigan, for instance, that curring most frequently on the A Four Piece Committee for any act of consoli basis of 1890 and by Inference that somewhere the frost is on the dation of any of the district func face. The disease has a variety of he is In favor of a later quota pumpkin. It makes one just a bit forms. In some cases it occurs at tions except the schools. basis— it means that such later lonely for the old farm. regular intervals. Sometimes the Bedroom Group It is of course highly probable For here the earth and the trees, Irritations leave brownish discol quota basis would reduce^he num the arbors and st.ilks display their 'that in the fullness of time, if orations or stains. These people ber of immigrants that could come proudest works. West street is the The four piece group, sketched to the the growth of Manchester con usually become badly swollen into the United States from Ger heart of a vast market place where the result of mosquito or insec; n ^ht, is made of American walnut, gum- tinues, there will arrive a day many, Sweden, Norway, Great Brit in the fruit of the trees and the bites. wood, with butt walnut and French wal vegetables of the field are display when it will be inevitable that all ain, Ireland and the countries of One susceptible to this disorder nut overlays, a 50-inch dresser, chest, 4- Uuch functions shall operate as ed through fragrant miles of stalls may suffer an attack from a num Central and Northern Europe.” and boxes and stands. drawer vamity and bed are included. Choice parts of one city administration. ber of causes, but there is alniosi This is absolutely and unescap- West street, which faces upon always some Irritation of the di of bed as shown, o j poster beds. But that time is not yet and there bly so. Smith’s acceptance speech the docks and backs into the sky gestive tract. The foods that are Is no intention of attempting to ceclaration in favor of quotas scrapers of lower Broadway, seems most frequently blamed for bring . Irrce it prematurely. based on a census later than that strangely out of place in a city ing on these eruptions are s\iell- School consolidation is the only where a tree is so liard to find. fish,/cheese, sausage, pork, straw of 1890— and the alienizationists It often seems even unfair that berries, cucumbers and an almost $195 {onsolldation problem with which are seeking to make It tjhe census one city should get the choicest that endless variety of foods and drugs. the vofers of the Eighth District ''
:■ ■■ ' I ■ J • \ '’^ • • ^ i* V ' *'S. MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERAL m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER4, 192^ FACE SEV
-t/i R. C. In G. A. R. hall. Prizes..wars, Rockvllle-Wlllimantlc Lighting Co; the remark: 'T il bet $5 that MfU- won by Mrs. Mftx , W.etj e this afternoon. ms LONG SHOT BET sel makes a home run.” There was' Mrs.‘ Robert'Carroll. ____ 'he Rockville Fish and Game a rush of takers for the bet wag Rockville Chester Waite of Chfcago' is Club will hold a shoot at their ON MEUSEUS HOMER about a hundred to one shot— some \ spending a few days with his moth traps on Saturday ah 2 o’clock. fans-Insisted a milllon-to-one. - ‘ i-Npw la the time to starLyour er, Mrs. Edward Waite of Union Mr. and Mrs. Robert McChrlstie Long , Bob took his place at tht street. of Talcott avenue -are on a four children in teaming a 't^nor New Grange Hall A lot of baseball bets were made hat. “ Ball one,” came over the, Rev. George S. Brookes will de weeks’ trip to New York, Boston, in Manchester yesterday, but one air. “ Strike one,” was next. Theti l^njb. This is an instruhrent The opening of the new Grange liver the Memorial address at the Providence and New London. ‘ Ball two,” followed by "Strike that pays ^or itself over. and in Two-Troussr hall at Vernon Center was largely man made and wor one that breaks annual meeting of the Grang l.odge “ Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Bradley all local records. two.” If looked bad for the man over. < . attended -on Wednesday afternoon of the State, Knights of Pythiafe ■ieije on a motor trip to Niagra Falls. who had made the bet. Then came and evening. Large booths contain In the fourth inning of the game Consult us now. ^ which will be held at Willlmantic, ^ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finley of after Babe Ruth had made his sec one of those silences which indicate' ing fancy wqrk, candy wheel, veget Oct. 16. High, street entertained a bridge that something has happened. It' ables, bingo game and refreshments ond two base hit and Gehrig had Members of the Epworth (^oague party Wednesday evening. grounded out, pitcher to first, a had. Bob had made a home run. Bradky & Smith ^ Suits fw Fall were outside on the grounds and of the Methodist church will go to The long, long shot had come the tempting wares attracted large local fan in one of radio groups, 507 Main St. . TelJ 2296 Manchester Saturday afternoon to a professional man, suddenly made through. crowds during the evening. There attend the annual convention of the HIGH SCHOOL NOTES were 310 to partake of tlie boun Norwich District Epworth League; tiful supper which was served in The Stanley Dobosz Post,-^kji'feri^ $35-' $40 the large dining hall in the base can Legion have voted to se^figTp v /0 n ’ October 12 Soc and Buskin ment. During the evening there was to aid the nurricane suffereriflio'^’i/A^”^Dfflmatlc club of Manchester High an entertainment and dance in tne The Men's Corner of the Metho 'Sbkbql will hold a social and inltla- While we “ }iead line” the main part of the building. At imer- dist church will hold a meeting in -ttbii cf new members. The club this price, we want to emphasize, mission various articles were award Wesleyan Hall on Saturday night. year plans to p' T H E WOALD HAS A NEW A N D >1QT<0R’ CAR LOANS IN PRIVACY Plus satisfaction and service built our business. We loan an..- amount up to $300. nsult our erperlenc- ed financial counselor if you re quire ready cash. Any information « l u i . Y •••• ^ 9 1 .^ more without obligation. IDEAL FINANCING than best previous July in Nash history ASSOCIATION, INC. 983 Main Sf. Room 408 Hiirlford Conn. F. W. HnwkinMoii, IU»r. P h on e A ugust • ? 449S more cars than best previous Augfust in Nash history CIRCULATING LIBRARY e p t e m b e r From the diary o f Enna Jcttick A SPECIAL GROUP OF S * more cars ■‘I knew it. Diary, I knew it. I said I simply wouldn't sell We wish to announce that than best previous September in Nash histoiy tickets this yejar. Anything else but. I'd shift the sc^ery, we have installed a branch of carry the trunks, put display cards into every window in Richard’s Home Circulating town, but sell no tickets. Then Hazel said * • * oh well! Library. All new and popu I sold sixty'two this afternoon. Fresh as a daisv. These lar fiction. Can be obtained New ? Enna Jettick shoes are marvelous.” here at a rental of 3 cents per • day. Minimum charge of 5 cents. We will reserve or $5.00 tolU $6.00 fI \ supply any titles on request. A LL sales records for all time the year, the peppiest car, the have been broken by the wsiest steering car, the easiest o - X - CORNER SODA SHOP New Nash *'400” . riding ear they’ve ever driven. /oiw om en v.’howanttOj^£> — . Fred W. Woodhouse c i o ^w ithout fatigue / Spruce at Bissell Street. People everywhere are telling America has gone Nzsh—-and Phone 1656 other people that the ”400” no wonder! The Niash price Arlyne C. Moi'iarty is the finest car o f the year, never bought so fine a motor the smartest looking car o f car before. C. E. HOUSE & SON, Inc. * Teacher CAE Ji.. " ■ 3i 1 iVlpESTRY I TIME % R U G « ^ 27::54 cizes— in paiterns KANE Building mil ■P . 9 8 ^ ^ I M E means everything to us Bridge L am psC om plete with Shade. No mail orders. ^ . . . we must turn our bui[(]ing WINDSOR over to the wreckers soon! Ai|(j CHAIRS order to dispose of our huge stc^k of Mahogany finished birch. fine furniture within a short tin^g we $ g . 4 9 A'A- are oifering the most remarkable Furniture Savings EVER KNC|\yNj Come! See! 4-POST BEDS Top leer — ai Colonial style — mahogany siie—heavy walls. OPEN SATLr d S a t f,- veneers. .75 3-Pc. Parlor Suite — ^ SPECIAL AT ...... 1 ^ ^ 50-LB...... iUg example of the parlor suite values in this sale! Divan, Wing Chair and Club ^ 00 Chair all incLiHed at'this price! Unholstered in a splendid gr^dp of velour— a modern design MATTRESS — E>-ceptional valut— «e niive only a limite^u numper to hcu—Act betore you loss such a Wool napper^ fancy iiht tick Davenport Table, larft chance for savings! and handsomely finish ing. ed. V ■ ' . More Extraordinary Values in, ' r' Custom-Built Parlor Suites 42-PC. SET Greatest selections, with carved frame and plain suites, in Mohair, Jacquard, Baker’s Cut Velour and DINNERWARE all kinds of combinations. . Complete service fop 6— Patterns you will like. Gateleg Table, hard $100 SUITE— 3 PIECES— in rich velour. $395 3-PC. SUITE-^OLTD MAHOGANY FRAMES wood finished Mahog Ten-Pc. Di Building-Wrecking Sale Price ...... $59 —Elaborately carved, web construction. Covered any. What dining suite savings. Never . . 7 r ' N $169 JACQUARD SUITES—With reversible cushions. in finest mohair. $250 for only $95! Only a few to sell— don’t dela , Buffet Exte , 8 pieces. Building-Wrecking ^ Q O C O Building-Wrecking Sale Price Chair, 5 Side Chairs and Buffet Mirror— Wal , wj4i;i ' ’ I, , . , , . nut veneer ,withl Cqie Price ...... ! Deep upholstered seats! v siS9 3-PIECE JACQUARD VELOUR SUITE, beau- $295 3-PC. LIVING ROOM SUITE— Taupe mohair up ful reversible cushions, coveredALL-OVER in' ^^AZING Dinh Ref rigemtors holstering with moquette on reverse side of cush £;v> Jacquard velour — high-grade construction ion. They all must;" go— 3-door throughout. ^ *| Q Building-Wrecking Sale Price Sensation^ Low Prices. Suite^ ^ side icers— NOW Building-Wrecking Sale Price ...... ^ L $169 $255 CHESTERFIELD SUITE in finest h igh irade $100 Dining Room Suites, Go at $49.00 *.50 materials, web bottom construction throughout, $325 3-PC. MOHAIR SUITE— Web bottoms, finest beautiful reversible cushions, ^ black piping. materials. Reversible cushions. Spring con Wardrobes, with hang $125 Dining Room Suites, Go at $■^9.00 . Carved frames. £%Q ers, drawers, etc. struction. ^ 1 o nt $169 Dining Room Suites, Go at $ 11 9 qq Building-Wrecking Sale Price ...... tP 1 Building-Wrecking Sale Price ...... ^ JL ^ O ,-v- FERN STANDS Sale of Rugs Big Bedding Bargains Breakfast Set $ | 7 1 9 . Ranges Reduced! $2.00 PILLOWS Bargains (all feathem), each ...... d J L a U U 9x12 CERTIN-TWEED RUGS, 548 CABINET GAS RANGES— 121.50 BREAKFAST SET—5 $12.00 BROWN ENAMEL r/k idMCa—Drop Leaf Table and Metal base with copper tray ...... $9.50 >BEDS ...... t D O jO U 4 Chairs—heantifnUy ena ....$27.50 $27.00 d o u b l e d a y BED— K A meled and (g'l A With mattress ...... vJLOaOi/ finished I cJ 8.3x10.6 TAPESTRY RUGS, regu- $75 COAL RANGES, new, Im $23.50 WALNUT METAL BED— rrrn r. ‘1" mm - -pA — 4> ,A ^ 'a 4 • - If-n'*i.“rjT V. ■: r 1 i At ' f l/i: r5" "9i ORT! DOUBLE DAY BED i# {|i: , ' With Mattress lake way fo r w :- 5 rH IjW h im .50 viiice yourself as thousands Telephone Setj ready have! You can actu- With Desk and C^air the hi\^hest quality Furni- i rt. COST, BELOW COST and ELECTRIC LY ABOVE COST . Only If the many great values can IRONS ! Whatever you need in niture is sure to be here^at .79 you never thought possible! O 9 P.N. LADY PEPC£RELL fridge Lamps— Complete with Shade. 4-Pe« Bedroom Suite ^0 Mail Orders. SHEETS AND WRECKING SALE FEATURE AT • • • • PILLOW CASES F Includes—Dresser—Bow-End Bed—French Vanitj'—Chest O’ Drawers 00 An example of the big bedroom values in this sale. Walnut veneer and Gumwood Suite of n $ 0 .5 9 -i - • -1 French Period in a pleasing design. Large pieces, with long French Plate mirrors. Better be early. At this low price, while they last. Easy Terms. Set of 2 Sheets and 2 Pillow Cases Ill At Most Amazing Reductions! Bedroom Suites Reduced CARD TABLES Fiber Rocker with .Auto Spring Cushioilion. Every Suite in Our Store and Warehouses—Only a Few Listed $ 1 .59 $77.50 BEDROOM SUITES—3 pieces—Dresser, $279 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE—Walnut veneered; Chest and Full-Size Bed. . Q Dresser, chest of Drawers, vanity dresser,xic;saci ctiiuand bed. ucu. Wrecking Sale Price ...... Wrecking Sale > Price ...... Leatherette coverings— $169.50 easily folded up. $135 BEDROOM SUITES—3 pieces—Dresser, Bed, $198 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE—Walnut veneered; Room Chest and Vanity. Pleasing design. ^ 7 0 with gumwood; Tudor design. Dresser, chest, bed and luch supreme quality Wrecking Sale P rice...... French vanity. (tM OU C A China Cabinet, Host / Wrecking Sale Price ...... X ^ ^ e O v F Maple t decoratior.r. « 9 5 $198 BEDROOM SUITES—4 pieces, in walnut $249 6-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE—American wal Veneer on Gumwood. - Attractive decora- O O nut veneer combined with other cabinet woods. Dress ELECTRIC Easy Terms. i tions. Wrecking Sale P ric e ...... er, bed, full-vanity, chest of drawers, chair, bench. ’’a/ues/ HEATERS $260 BEDROOM SUITES—4 pieces with 4-Poster ...... $147.50 1 End Tables, 'popular de- ^ i. signs, in lo^Cly finishes. ' Bed. Walnut veneer and Gumwood. Louis XVI de $395 6-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE—Genuind Mahog to a Large Mansion sign. any; decorated dresser, bed, chest of drawers, vanity, bench and chair, ^ O /f ^ C A 98c ^ing Room Suites, Go at $149.00 Wrecking Sale Price ...... $149 Wrecking Sale P ric e ...... / • I 3 v l For Chilly Mornings $289 8-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE—Dresser, Twin ling Ro6m Suites, Go at $185.00 $269 BEDROOM SUITES—4 Pieces—Walnut veneer beds, vanity, chest of drawers, chair, bench and Night on Gumwood. Dresser, Bed, Vanity and table. C ifl fiece Suites, Go a t ____ $249.00 Wardrobe. Wrecking Sale P ric e ...... $159 Wrecking Sale P ric e ...... v X * /0 « O U AXMINSTER Fiber Furniture SUPER SPECIALS- RUG Bargains t5.’ LIMITED QUANTITIES Kane’s Usual 27'^x54" $19.98 FIBER ROCKER—With $5.00 Floor Lamps. d* 1 A Q upholstered seat (PQ Q F .25 and back ...... Cedar Chesty somje that: Now ...... $ 1 . ^ 0 Easy Terms sold high vas $$0. $69.50 FIBER SUITES — 3 $8.00 Telephone Sets. Q d pieces, automobile cush- Reduced to ...... CHOOSE as much or as little furniture as you require ...... $39.50 i 6x9 Felt Base Rugs—in choice of pat at these sacrifice prices. Our usual liberal terms prevail. terns. /f O C $79 FIBER SUITES ‘ — 3 Nodr ...... Convenient weekly or monthly payments—^to suit your pieces loom woven, cretonne ;; ;:: .NATtoNAL covered cushions of extra $35 Gateleg Tables—sturdy and well pocketbook. built. CM C CA ....$47.50 Now ...... $ l D a D U RA DIO “B” $149 THREE-PIECE FIBER $24 Dressers—hardwood finished Wal- SUITE—Spring-fllled cush ELIMINATORS ions — bright, new style — painted decorations. Anni- Targe mirror ...... $12.50 $27.50 Four-Post Beds, in Mahogany $ /J .7 5 f'“ .7pHc=....885.00 or Walnut finish on C5 1 ^ 7 • i gumwodd. Now ___ v X O . I O Banjo Clocks hanfisoisome.^ , $55 Kroehler Bed-Dav- C ^ Q A A A ly ornamented'ted— iran- enport. Now ...... m ' i teed moveii^:ents. j Homemakers, Newlyweds ?ss OPEN EVERY i and Brides-to-be! SIMMONS’ the AT THi SIGN OF THE BI6 CLOCt^ “Beautyrest” dded EVENING Im- Mattress flne HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY— sf a to 9 P. M. Bhal- Kane’s Gigantic Wrecking Sale Will Help You ' AU $ A DURING THIS Furnish Your Home at Unheard of Savings. Sizes WEEK g r e a t s a l e \ <' UAUTFORO i m ; JNST. HARTFORD y. PAGJSTEN MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928. MajiiJiester High To Play MiddUetowii H 204 BALLS THROWN Yesterday^s Score New York (AL,.> Down River Team Ready IN FIRST BIG GAME V AR. R. H. PO. A. E. Paschal, e t .. • 4 0. 0 4 0 O Dnnit, cf .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Koenig, as .. •••••• 4' 1 1 o 3 'o There is a whole lot that can be ball and a strike on him ' wTen Ruth, r f ...... •••••• 4 2 3 3 0 0 To Stop Local Gridders gotten out of baseball even though Sherdel pitched, the third ball to Gehrig, lb .. ••••■• 4 b 2 »' 0 t) Alensel. If ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 Sixteen years ago last Sunday in -! the flying wedge,, end .with theTnrward pasr early in the a person can not witness a world him and Buster lined it out for two • » •» t) 1908 season failqd' to ^gel the .! ‘ ? f',-1 bmpl‘! - . o t :■ ? A MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5,1928. PAGE ELEVEN A' ALLOWED PURDUE STAR MAY S. M. U. BOASTS TENNIS WITH A “HTING” CLBmn WETTEBHOBN Local London.-—A wasp has the dis Grindelwald, Switzerland— Wetter- §dds Disappear After « tinction of having held up a cham horn, famous peak of the Bernese YANKS LIBERTIES HOLD Hm B ENCH POWmTEAMpionship 1 tennis tournament at Oberland, 12,165 feet high, has Scarborough. He worried one of been conquered, by the Japanese al Sport the women players until she stop pinist Samatsu. The ascent 'vaa I Cards Lose The Opener Backfield Flash Bodiered Rockne Warns Cadets of ped long enough to chase the In made on tht western side, which sect from the court— to the great had been considered impossible to S'. I Farrell Again flames Card Chatter Wtik Bom Leg This Year. * Rocky Session Saturday. delight of spectators. climb. :$t Louis to Use Old Pete Hurler as Series Goat. ^ j t. Evidently the Cloverleaves are In It isn’t so har(j to under for a real tussle this week-end BY BOB MATHERNE New York, Oct. 5.— Knute Rockne, famous Notre Dame coach, Alexander Who Dazzled stand baseball evert though (BY.HENRY L. FARRELL) when they meet the Mohicans of It was a bum leg that gave Meriden at Hickey’s Grove. Re R a lp l^ “ Pest” Welch. Purdue warned the Army several weeks there is many a catch in it ports from down state indicate that ago that Southern Methodist Uni (Special to the Herald) sophomore, a nhance to achieve na Hear the World^s Series Game i the Yanks in 1926; Pip- the Silver City aggregation has a tional" football fame in 1927 and, versity from Dallas, Tex., might New York, Oct. 5.— It happened fast heavy line and a real backfield. prove a surprise to them. And just as Bill McKechnie and his St. strange to say, it is another bum Coach Oefinger in a telephone con log although quite a different one Rcckne’s warning will be In the air Sunday In Your Own Home ^ ■ gras for Yanks. Louis Cards had been warned that versation with the acting sports when the two teams meet Saturday it might happen. The Yanks got to that, may prevent the same young editor of the Herald last evening man from adding further fame this at West Point. Through The hitting in the inimitable Yankee said that his team was capable of fall. . ^ Both the Army and the Texans fashion and they whistled off with By DA\aS J. WALSH giving either of the two local teams Just a few days betore the Fur- came through their opening game the first game of the World’s Series, a real struggle every minute and this past Saturday in excellent ”tjN ew York, Oct. 5.— Having by a score of 4 to 1. due-Harvard game last fall, "Cot ^thrown consternation into and attar resented the fact that reports cir ton” Wtlcox, Purdue captain and shape, the West Pointers defeatiqg ■ It wasn’t a devastating assault by Boston University by a score of 35- ..of mllkweel upon the St. Louis culated in this town to the con star halfback, chipped a bone In the murderers. The ball park trary. 0 and the Mustangs defeating --Cardinals by winning the first game wasn’t damaged and no lives were his ankle. The Boilermakers had of the World Series, the New York had hopes of trimming the Crim Howard Payne by a 31-0 score. lost but it was enough. Timely hit Early in the week there was a The game with S. M. U. is the “•Yankees today.were ready to re- ting by Ruth, Gehrig and Meusel son up to the time of Wilcox’s in ..sume their presentation of the dra- report over at the north end that jury, but those hopes sank. Welch, first real tough game of a number broke down Wee Willie Sherdel the Mohicans were only kids and of unusually hard games to be play -.matic success, “ Victories by Victor- and ..made of him, for the third an unknown, was to take Wilcox’s ^iea or Who Else Wants a Fallen evidently this had, reached the ears ed by the Army eleven this fall. time, a series pitching goat. of the Meriden club’s officials. They place and that didn’t mean much. ••Arch.” In other words, the second But Welch rose to the occasion The Texans are coached by Ray ’The victory meant more to the pointed out that this team had al-. Morrison, one of the greatest quar ..episode of what the writer in his Yankees than just a ball game on and it took only his first thrust for unique way terms the'drama of the ways been able to give any and all terbacks ever to play in the south the right side and running start in teams n real go and never failed to a gain of 16 yards through the diamond will be enacted at the sta Harvard defe.ase to convince Pur — he attended "Yanderbilt— and dium this afternoon with only a to a battle that had been looked please the crowd. whose forte is forward passing. upon as their certain doom. due supporters that he could take slight change*' in the cast having care of .the Job sa.tisfactorily. And, Morrison has two great backs in been effected overnight. . There is a legen^, backed by The Cubs step off against the Redman Hume and Sammy Reed, good solid figures, that the team state champions at the 'West Side to make a long story short, he did. “ Old Pete” Alexander, the lad He proved the big noise in that both seniors, for this work this fall. 'lad who dazzled the Yanks in the winning the first game usually cops lot entertaining the Springwoods of the series. Fifteen times out of the South Norwalk. This team 1s said 19-0 victory, scoring two touch ''1&26 series, will be* called forth to downs himself and heaving a pass In an Indiana town roosters are NEW MODEL 40 replace the disillusioned Sherdel in twenty-four series played the team to have won every game for the forbidden to crow before 5 a. m. winning the first game won the past three years against the best for 40 yards for the. third marker, principal role for the Cardinals. and overnight became nationally An ordinance ordering all hens to "Opposing Peter will be George Pip- Series and the Yankees are not im in their class. If this is true, and lay at least one egg each day also there is every reason to believe it known. gras, the man who holds the (doubt mune to superstitious and hunches. ought to help along. ful distinction of being the second - It was a drowsy ball game and is, the Cubs are due for a torrid af best pitcher on the Yankee roster. the huge pack of customers were ternoon. A thater K ewt In his. case, second place hardly HERE’S SIDEIGHTS ..aroused from a beautiful afternoon can be distinguished from seventh :nap -only by the occasional whang The North Ends will practice A « or last. The Yankee staff pitched a of a bat when the Yankee artillery this evening at the Community RADIO great game of ball yesterday and* OF OPENING GAME ■R',as crapking and by the one smack playgrounds and every member is will not be available again until that Jim Bottomley took when he urged to attend. Jack Dwyer will Phone Barstow for Free the second game in St. Louis. Peter rpde the ball far over the Babe’s assume his duties as coach aided by All Electric 6 Tube Set himself, as to that, probably isn’t U^d for a homer and the only Chip Chartier who^has handled the squad for the past'three years. The the man he was two years ago, so $^'nter that the National League Home Demonstration there was at least a possibility that Little Sketches About the club managed to get equipped with ;.'(^ampions could score. new jerseys and stockings this sea one might see a few runs scored Young Mr. Hoyt v/as in command during the general excitement. son and present a neat appearance Various Plays and Pla^ through the whole game. He was on the field. A LOT OP SET FOR A LITTLE .PRICE $11700 complete Same Teams 'heartless until the seventh inning Otherwise, barring an exception when a period came upon him that Every store along Main street in EASY TERMS FREE SERVICE or two that are entirely too import ers of Yesterday. might be described as a wobble. ant to mention, the situation will be the south end had a radio announc NO INTEREST CHARGES FREE INSTALLATION But if his wobble was getting seri- ing the reports of the game at- the largely unchanged. Same ball clubs, ,.;jus it was overcome by some very Sunday’s Game Will Be Broad same locale, and, for all anyone Yankee stadium yesterday after By LES CONKLIN ■iuappy fielding on the part of his noon. ^ W D YOU MAY GET YOUR MONEY knows, ihaybe the same result. The .One particular piece of de- cast at Our Radio Shop halt and lame were certainly pitiful IenSe’ *was executed by Mark Koe BACK AT CHRISTMAS. to behold as they limped out to the New York, Oct. 5.— The ' New' nig. Poise in a pinch has been plate from the Yankee dugout yes York fang had heart failure every bought at fimes in the past and TODAY’ S CONTEST \ONE OF BARSTOW’S CUSTOMERS WILI- This new low price is due to the slight drop in terday BO weak and infirm that time Paschal got hold of a fly. they could barely hit one out of the Benjarlno squats like Sitting Bull there was nothing radically wrong the cost of the tubes. ball park. It wouldn’t make any and his method Is a cross between with the baseball that the badly body particularly distract if the one of Maranvllle’s basket catches crippled Tony Lazzeri exhibited. MOST IMPORTANT weather was the same although the and a gea lion catching a fish. 'The smack of the Babe in the BARSTOW’S RADIO SERVICE forecast said cloudy. Some of the first inning was very obviously the things that will not be the same are Maranville caught Hoyt’s foul stroke that inspired the whole • 216 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST the odds that favored the Cardinals fly back-handed within two inches Yankee team and they stayed in On It W31 Depend the Phone 1968 Radio Since 1922 at 7 to 5 yesterday, the crowd of of the left field wall while on the spired very definitely. They perked SOUTH MR N CHE STEP ' CONN 80,000 that turned up so frightfully run and then pivoted away from up like they had been given a cou Hear the World Series on Steinite at the absent and the helpful jobbie who the barrier with all the grace of ple of shots and when the lanquid Series, Baseball Expert Herald OflSce, Bissell Street 2 wafe willing to disengage himself- a toe dancer just as Bill McKech- Kobefi Meusel slammed a houier froin a $16.50 ticket for the small nle was about to summon an am tnat scored the Babe ahead of him sum of $50, just because he knows bulance from the Huggins hospital. in the fourth inning he became so Declares. you. The reason he won’t be around full of pep aud spirit uhat he ac is that he has just about disengag Meusel finds being a hero quite tually took five steps around in hia ed himself exhausted. boring. In acknowledging the thun pasture. His previous record was By BILL CORtnVI. Odds Disappear derous applause that greeted his four steps. The odds disappeared entirely on home run, he tipped his cap as if The Yanks scored their runs by New; York, Oct. 5.— Its up to BIRD SEASON STARTS MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 the head of the Yankees’ first vic he were brushing a fly off it. the best process known to baseball. Alexander now. If the old man tory and, with Hoyt ready to come Their Babe got on twice and they can’t check the Babe and his band back twice more if the series last “ Sinus” Hafey didn’t get a hit. knocked him in. Their Marcus Koe the Missourians will retreat" across Tel. American Row Vh that long, they were laying'dbllar- But if you think he’ll go hitless nig got on once in the eighth and the Mississippi in a bad way 2-8271 and for-dollar in the downtown hotels. through the entire series,, then you they knocked him in. But the Cards though not necessarily beaten in However, the Cards got the play at should be playing quarterback for couldn’t Qo that. Hoyt sent them Hartford State St. 6. to 5 on today’s game, largely be the series. Mattewan this fall. back to the gloom of their dugout Nothing definite about the final KNOEK’S cause the boys have remembered with almost no difficulty what Alex as fast -as they stepped up. and outcome will be known, until the Ruth didn’t budge when Bot- Hoyt didn’t seem to mind It a bit Yanks try their hands against Jesse ander did to the Yankees two years icmley’s circuit wallop sailed over ago. They also seem to recollect when Bottomley took hold of a fast Joseph Haines. Haines today is Complete Line his head. George smokes the same the best pitcher on the Cards’ staff. that, outside of his shutout of the brand himself. ball. He knew where it was going Athletics in mid-Septetnber, Pipgras a.nd .so did the Babe. -The two Since he perfected that knuckle ball has had quite a time of it retiring stood" firm in their tracks and the leather-faced Ohioan is hard to I Hoyt’s pitching and Ruth’s hit beat. a three men to the average inning. ting were the most welcome- - tid never raised their heads as the ball An all wool, i All in all it would*astound no fell up among the customers in This afternoon the situation is ings since the boys brought.,the this: hand tailcir- one if the Cards had a stand-off in good news from Ghent to Alx. Ruth Ruth’s galleries. Hunting^uiptment the series by night fall. has hit four doubles in Inter Wee Willie Sherdel lost the ball The Yanks have done what was ex ed suit with Old Pete is what they call a none- league championships, and he got game because he didn’t pitch as pected of them— won behind Hoyt. gaine pitcher, meaning a great man half of them yesterday. Wa^ he wfeH as Hoyt did. His slow ball They had to. But Hoyt was not the two pair of question mark of Huggins’ pitching to have'; in there for a single con tryi)ig to meet the ball on account wouldn’t behave for him. It wan staff. The question in this series centrated. effort. He no longer is of Sis injured knee? Yes, he was. dered ’ so far around the general pants worth able to throw the ball up your Just like a fly-swatter meeting a. has been from the beginning: Can vkinity of the plate that he had to any Yankee pitcher save Hoyt .shoot Sportmen’s Headquarters $35 to. $45. ! sldeve at twenty paces but the club fly. li^e his fast ball in the pinch and doesn’t. live'that can guarantee to the Red Wings down? fch©> Yanks took a great liking to Our Price go- out there and trifle with him Another addition to the casualty the speedy fellows. We’ll get the answer to that to openly* and unashamed. But if it list was made when the New York day. Pipgras can if he’s right, but solhappehs that trifling declares an • Rb^ei*?' Hornsby, who managed you can have old Tom Zachary. club’s cash register collapsed un the Cardinals the last time in a Guns Rifles Shells open season today, this serious “ se- der the strain and was fractured. There is also a grave question in ricius” . will be almost no more. In World’s Series, peered at the ball, my mind about Alexander’s a'oility $22 50 brief this .-is “ do or die” game for game .through the mesh in front of to muffle the Rupert rifles. The As 'a result of New York’s vic him. Ib was his unofficial opinion and the Cardinals and Alexander is tory, the betting odds on St. L — ------>n .. »...v 'k- — Typical American Girl Combines All Styles of Beauty ; r t PELS N iW By Anna R1chard«j*on^ a a COPYRIGHT 192& igy 13EA SERVICE JNC ELEANOR EARLY THIS HAS HAPPENED a pin drop. ’Then Sybil broke the get a warrant for assault and bat ’ Among the papers filed in the* jslty and was anxious to follow; SYBIL THORNE, Boston society throbbing silence. tery.” court house at Tipten, Cedar Coiyi- nbbsen profession, but he could findH zirl, surprises her sister-in-law at “ I beg your pardon,” she said. He leered at her evilly; “ And ty, Iowa, are those which deal with 00 opening. Finally, after he' hfid;] a roadhouse— drinking cocktails “ Let me begin at the beginning, what a story that will be for your the appointment of Laurie Tatum paid half a dozen calls on one and making love with Sybil’s own and tell you everything. Then you swell friends. Gettih’ dragged to as-guardiau of Herbert Hoover he was told: . -J*;!*! husband! In all fairness to VAL will understand how absoluely im police court like a common rowdy. when' the latter’s parents died. . ’“ The only position open Is ERIE (the sister-in-law) it should possible it is to bring the charge I guess that will make ’em laugh— Tatum came of good old Quaker stenographer,” be explained that she had no Idea you have in mind.” the high and mighty Miss Sybil stock, and the meticulous care-with “ All rteht. replied young HoOYeav] the man with whom she was Thorne up on an assault and bat which he executed his trust shines "I’ll take IL” ’ Gravely he heard her out. And He brushed up on stenography! actually planning to elope was her when she had finished, she con tery charge!”' through these papers. One nota tion made in bis cramped but an I typewriting, and went to sister-in-law's husband. cluded hopefully— “ And now you Muttering darkly, he took his legible hand sets lorth that the with a will. . In a short tlm^;biltos:| Valerie did not, as a matter of see why I want so fearfully to get derby and departed, like a “ villain” on the stage. Then Sybil, appre sum of sixty , dollars had been was taking dictation about a law fact, even know, he was married. the divorce on some respectable drawn from the estate to pay for a suit in which the firm was Involvedi’ l He had made love ardently^ and ground— incompatibility, or some hensive of the trouble her temper might cause, hurried In town to re business S conhse in an' Oregon He looked.- into the dispute promised to get her in the movies. thing like that.” school. 'Tatum added to the finan found that if bore the phase T>t’| »Iarriage with TAD THORNE had late the afternoon’s developments Mr. Peterson Inclined his head. to her lawyer. cial record: engineering on which he had writr! palled, and Valerie, a selfish and “ That would be nice,” he con “ I think Herbert deserves this ten his graduation thesis. The i»-1 frivolous girl, was ready to escape Mr. Peterson listened gravely, ceded with grim humor, “ only in but she saw the twinkle in his wise because he is an industrious and formation which be had gathered! boredom through any avenue. Massachusetts we don’t do things conscientious boy.” in writing his t’nesis he placet Sybil, learning that Valerie was old eyes. that way. There are seven grounds “ Good girl!” he approved Judi The wisdom of this step was the command of his firm, the su^J preparing to desert Tad, determin for divorce in this state. Most of 299 shown when Herbert Hoover se was won, and ,young Hoover ,wa^| ed to stop it if she could. She had cially when she finished. “ It takes them ugly. Incompatibility is not an angry woman to handle a musi cured his first position with a firm promptly promoted from the t/iw-, no idea when she hurried to the of engineers. By that time he had writing machine to the tripod andj one of them. Non-support is what cal comedy detective properly. You roadhouse where Valerie was you might call the most ‘respecta graduated from Stamford Unlver- and engineering Job. spending the evening that she was needn’t worry about any warrant. ble.’ In your case we might fall He wouldn’t let anybody know you going to encounter her husband. back on ‘gross and confirmed habits r Sybil’s marriage with RICHARD struck him, for all his cheap talk. of intoxication,’ or cruel and He will keep that right under his EUSTIS iiad been a secret affair. It abusive treatment.’ laste E 216-iitiddle Turnpike Ea$t. . s mm mi: V III* m m “IF IT’S HARDWARE WE HAVE FT’ See Oui^ New Service Car All Over Town—Daily, r S — s _ Phone 1968 ;‘ -Radio Since 1922 I Phone 459 Use It | Steiger’s--DoW)iSlairs Shop ; . G<.i GLENNEY CO. i 877 Main Street South Manchester, Conn, g len Place, Phtme 126, Manchester O ^ • The only and exclusive radio dealer. ? HARTFORD ' -i = - 1 • 0 • • • ■ ...... iiiiiiil|||HllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllilllllilllillHIIIIII|llllti)|lUl|llfl|ll ‘■■7, . TV r I- >r- \ V PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1928.; ??r, 's s - - ,sM' The Best Places t o Shop The Best Stores A ^WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWtJWW POOR AUTO LIGHTS *XX*»8SS5r^««38X3«508X36S3S*3aXSSX3S3«X3SX383SS«38S»{58JSX»«XS83«^^ warning issued here today by Rob ert T. Hurley, superintendent ^ f Hartford, Conn., Oct. 5.— The state police. The campaign stairipd i. J,- Z 1 sta,te police are about to embark in New London county where thirty- MON upon a state wide campaign against three arrests were .made'and will use of defective lighting equipment be extended into the seven other on automobiles, according to a counties at once. .1; GOOD TMINOS TO BAT ,KX)(9CS(X9SXX9S9S9CX9eSS9S«9(9EX9SXX9S9(9(9EX9S9C9S9SX^ * •n*- m every office DING DONG! .i Corn Poppers 35c a. I V r Would yau. SetM ti^! What if we do diug dong S ervice — Q uality — L ow Prices Pop Com 15c. about cur Frldiay night phone L istlessly he hegins.^e day« part-hnm product the amount 'ZBsked J i? n But he has no grip on- his jbb« and 23c coaTiiedj^p Acs ^ service? It’s an axiom that o f bulk is usually too small advertising is nine*te«ths re His desk piles up with unfin-* b irth d a y, 4?idAeS^id^ ^ to he completely effective. petition. Did you ever see a bhed work. As people help* That’s why doctors recom a?Kodiered ifi^ man cut down a tree with one and pity him, he realizes that Sweet Potatoes stroke of the axe— or by hit-' mend ALL-BRAN. ' o n io T iS / Extra Specials he might as well face the Fresh Spinach ting a different spot at every A U ^B R A N stroke? Fresfi Killed Frying Chickens from truth. He is through. The Rock Turnips We bear down on the Friday pace is too much. Something brings natural relief Yellow Globe night service once a week be 2% to V-A lbs. each ...... 37c Ibi - has been stealing hiq energy Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is totally cause we want to get its de — killing his ambition. velopment up to the maximum Large Chickens to Roast, different from dangerous Turnips 5 lbs. 15c and keep it there. Pinehurst isn’ t sick — and ye^'som e drugs and pills whose dose Carrots aims continually at the store 4 to iV2 lbs. e a c h ...... 47c lb. how, he never feels ^ell. must be constemtly increased service as near perfect as is Thousands olWeikare fall to be effective. It works.as Parsnips humanly poteh^. The Satur Fresh Killed Young Fowls, ing behind the'Ctowcf, all be- nature works. The health o f OnefneniTeUsAnother day clutter IHp|siness is the Beets, 3 bunches 15c You can't blame him. Steak rock on whicflT^aousands of 4 to 5 lbs. e a c h ...... 42c lb. caiise they fail to realize, how deadly consti- the entire family can be maintained by serv-* Green Peppers ti’om Pinehurst makes every food shops split. We can get pation is. Constipation can wreck the strong- ing ALL-BRAN in some form every day. meal seem like a birthday all rid of It— rid of all the est body. Headachy, sleepless nigKts, list- A pleasant cereal. ~To eat with milk or Celery party. haste and consequent imper lessness, wan co m p l^ o n s are just a few o f creetin. Delicious with fruita or honey added. fections of service— if we can LAMB SPECIAL its early symptoms. the end, it often leads Use it in cooking too. Just eat two table Iceberg* Lettuce Sirloin Shorts get our trade to fully cooper ate with us in phoning week- Finest Legs Spring Lamb, Nice Pieces of Lamb to to serious disease, f spoonfuls daily-—chronic cases, with evety . Ripe Tomatoes Porterhouse snd orders Friday evening; i 5 to 6 lbs. each . .37c lb. What a pity more-^ people do not know meal. . ^ Top Round for Swiss to s t e w ...... 18c Ib. Green Tomatoes making it of course just so Finest Loin Lamb there is such promptf relief'from this terrible But get genuine Kellogg’s— the origin^ Steak much the.better for Madame Forequarters of Lamb Fancy White the housewife. As it Is, we Chops . 55c lb. scourge! Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN is guaranteed ALL-BRAN. Sold bjr ^dl grocers. Served at 2 lbs...... $1.00 w h ole...... 27c lb. to relieve consti^tiop safely. More— to pre We will have some very would be- up a tree to keep up hotels, restaurants. On diners. Made by Cauliflower from Juicy, tender short cut sirloins present. standard . Pinehurst Finest Shoulder Small Boneless Roast of * vent it just as surely. Kellogg in Battle CreeL Schell tomorrow. service on Saturdays .without Lamb Chops . . . . 38c lb. L a m b ...... 36c lb. the aid this service gives up... On/i; AIJ[jpRAil; is 100% effective * r. . . i f fi > Three phones work this eve Pinehurst Round ning till 9 o'clock, though the It is bulk that teliev^ constipation. Because Sliced Bacon, «*ums coNsnnmoN Gvutrataa^it G rou n d ...... 49c lb. store is closed. Deliveries as it is 100% bran, Kjlloggs ALL-BRAN sup K a llo g g ’ a A L L ^ ‘______\______PORK SPECIAL Rind off :. 43c lb.- iSarly as 8 tomorrow morning; plies bulk in genAlQu^rtquantity. In BRAN i t to ld with Small Loin Fresh • Strictly Fresh Pork thit dtHrtUt guar- Kellogg’s Corn Flakes also later forenoon and after- anttt! Eat it ac loon deliveries. You tell us Shoulders...... 25c lb. to R o a s t...... 34c-36c lb. cording to dirte- 2 for ...... 15c vhich. iions. If it dott Fresh Oysters Our Home Made Link Sau not rtUtoa consti Some store news: Our Home Made Sausage sage, first this season allbran pation tattly, wo Green Mountain Native Brown s Butter will be 60 ready to eat will rotund tht;, M e a t ...... 35c lb. p ta xh a tt price Cranberries > 1 > Potatoes $1.10 Bushel :ents a pound tomorrow. none b e tte r ------35c lb. ' We are to have some more Prime Rib Roast Boneless Pot Roast Meadowbrook Sausage Pullet’s Eggs at 49c a dozen. B e e f ...... 35c-45c Ib. Beef .. 35c, 40c, 45c Ib. Milk Fed Poultry , 11'. . .Those Keeney White Eggs, Meat perfect for any use though not Roasting Chickens Fryers Ground from fresh pork and '.ocal 55 cents. seasonetl with pure spices. .-BRAN Broilers Kellogg’s Corn Flakes at 2 BAKERY NEWS '•V Tender Fowl for Fricassee Small Link Sausage Cor 15 cents and Wheatena at Native Veal Scotch Ham 22 cents are pretty close to wholesale prices. ' EXTRA SPECIAL Chops Cutlets String ends of Sinclair Hams The meat department will Try them breaded at from 1.5c to .25c a lb. are a i-run a special on String Ends of Fresh Killed .Chickens, stuffed and Tender Boneless Veal “ good buy” or if you want a Sincjair Slicing Hams at cl5 baked, each ...... $ 1.50 Roasts small piece of ham to boil or to 25 cents a pound. Also bake try one of our boneless some small Boneless Sinclair GROCERY Young Selected Lamb cuts of Sinclair Ham. Hams— two and a half to four Squash Pies ...... 35c Pumpkin Pies Loin Chops Rib Chops North School Street. Tel 1200 and a half pounds. Toasted Cocoanut Cream Coffee Nut R o lls ...... 35c Legs Pinehur^ Hamburg 30c lb. Boneless Sinclair Hams—two P i e s ...... 35c -Our Home Made White Shoulders of Lamb Boned Chop|>e GROCERY SPECIALS S a w e M e a l... . . 35c LauihStew...... 2 0 c DOORfRiZE AT Brookfleld EnifeT,;;:.. 20c-25c R uio Corned Beef. . ^ c THE STATE TONIGHT Butter ' CLORENCE'S in 1-4 Ib. prints Beautiful Toilet Set for Lucky ‘‘The store that holds faith with the people.” YELL0W.GL0BE TURNIPS. Person; Two Film Features. Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 53c A beautiful twenty piece toilet F. Kelley, Prop. set will be given away at tfie State l i L G R O C E R Y theater this evening to the person BEST PURE SPECIALS holding the lucky number. The ar “Rule of Thumb” Methods Don’t Apply ticle comes from the May Jewelry LARD . Company and is one of the latest Here in Preparing Our Home Sugar, lO lb s ...... 59c ....'. ,121c designs for feminine fashions. Tonight marks the final show Cooked Foods. ings of John Gilbert in “ Four 16c Walls,” and Buster Keaton in “ Col If they did you would soon find that quality would not North S h ord ^ ld es.. 23c F^Bars,21bs...... ,i^c lege.” be consistent. All the food that we prepare is done on Pillsbury’s Best Flour ...... $1.09 bag “ Four Walls,” which is Gilbert’s a business-like basis that assures uniform quality day latest MGM starring vehicle, Is a Maxwell House Coffee ...... 48c lb. in and day out. Uniform quality is one of the import Evaporatcdirilk, 3 for 29c Bahhitt’sL y e...... i l j c pulsating drama of a gangster of Our Boy Tender Sweet P e a s ...... 19c can New York’s Eastside, who Is sent ant factors that keep people satisfied with our food ser “ up the river” to serve a four year vice. Parksdale E g g s ...... 45c dozen term in prison. During his stay in Chase & Sanborn C offee...... 48c lb. the penitentiary he realizes that an honest life is far better than the one he has been leading and he re Home Cooked Foods Finest Fruits and Fresh Vegetables NO INJURIES FOl solves to better himself. How he Large assortment of ready to-eat cooked and smoked / ■ finally succeeds is told in a thrill Meats and Roast Native Chicken. ing and dramatic manner.' TWO AUTO, Joan Crawford, famous screen BIRCH STREET MARKET as Gilbert’s leading woman in this Otto Stahl’s and Arlington Delicious Pork Sausage, Manchester Public Market beauty is seen as Gil Phone 2298 Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. An automobile owned by Her 88 Birch St. bert’s leading woman ; in this A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 man Behrend of 4 2|£^ gtefe street PAUL CORRENTI, Prop. picture. The supporting cast in Elizabeth Park Brand Canned Food Products. was badly damaged9t|M*^ cludes Louis Nathe^ux, V'era Gor Manhattan and Martini Cocktails, Italian and French when It skidded on' ttj!§^ei;4)av^ don and Jack Bryon. William I ment on Middle T'twttffike^''neav If you haven’t tried us an^ our meat now is the tihie. Nigh directed. Vermouth, Grenadine, Creme de Menthe, Kummel, An-< the Hockanum river bridge, the In “ College,” Buster Keaton has We carry the best in quality and cheapest in price. One gostura Bitters, Swedish and Military Punch, Apricot. rear end skidding—;aroinid .and never been seen to better advan striking, a tree. N6b iu x x s s t l/^>-ia«»^ ■ "X, ' ' - ■ ’ • 'v. ^ * * • •■.••-" '•■• .* XT l« 11’^' ' \ X- w r . iJ'he '■ Best Places to Shop The Best Stor^ Advertise ■ ' \ ^a ■■ i!!^ *!^^ ■'■ ‘ ' ^i^ews Events, and a dandy comedy Built in the ’ shape of a ball, RICHARD DIX AT will also be shown. about 80 feet in diameter, and Organist Fred Werner has ar standing on a base 16 feet square, AtC.H.Tryon’s ranged a splendid musical setting a house constructed for this year's STATE SUNDAY, MONDAY to lit the program. Dresden fair Is a German archi Store Read tect’s suggested solution for the Sanitary Market P c transport problem. He claims Open Our Is Starred in “Warming tip,’* Read The Herald Advs. that his design leaves much more A Story of the Big Leagues. room In the streets around it.^ Tel 441 Tel 442 I Sat. Adv. on If you are, in any sense, a base Nights the Back FOR SATURDAY ball fan, don’t miss Richard Dlx in “ Warming Up,’’ his latest Para 1878 1928 Page mount starring effort, which opens Until 9 IT PAYS TO W AIT ON j . _ Sickle Pears, $1.00 Basket at 'the State Theater on Sunday AVlld Grapes, $1.00 Basket evening for a special two day show \ ■ Crab .Apples, $1.25 Basket ing. Ask Your Dealer For Apples, 05c Basket. And jf you like entertainment In .Alberta Peaches, $1.5.5. the form of romance, the same tip Green Tomatoes, 50c Basket still holds good. MANCHESTER'S PUBLIC rANTRT Occident Flour, 1-8 bbl. Sack, Dfx comes to the State theater Kibbe’s Fancy Tender Sl.,55. In a screen story which, from all White Loaf, 1-8 bbl. Sack, $1.25. appearances, will be ranked along Carnation Evaporated Milk, 10c side of “The Quarterback,” one of Sweet Peas can. FOOD the best. In “ Warming Up” he is :i Cans Campbell Tomato Soup, the same athletic, lovable Dlx but 23c. this time his toe is in the pitcher’s New 1928 Pack f 3 Packages Kellogg Corn Flakes,;. box. If it is something to eat, isn^t it just natural that you think of Hale’s Self-Serve? We always have what 25c. I The story concerns a young rookie now available at your grocer and the finest quality in want. We carry the highest quality foodstuffs at t| ie lowest prices in town. Hunt’s Prunes in Cans, 29c can. whose troubles are not confined to several years. Order a case today. ^ • e. Mixed Cookies, 18c lb. j the diamond and particularly to a Swiss Cheese, 0 Portions in Box,[jinx which seems to have setttled Also 35c. on his trail for good. There is also FINEST AMERICAN MEADOW GOLD W’hole Wheat Pancake Flour, a delicate and charming little love J5c Package. theme which runs through the pro Kibbe’s Quality CoflFee Whole Wheat Cereal, 15c Pack- duction, GRANULATED SUGAR ngc. Jean Arthur, playing opposite ------and------CREAMERY BUTTER Raspberries, New Goods, 35c Mr. Dix for the first time, has a Can. chance to prove why the star cannot Half Moon Tea 100 lbs. 15.90 ' 25 lbs. $1.50 2 lbs. $1.09 llb.55c Seldner Salad Dressing, Pints, be blamed for loving her. She is 30c. quite pretty and capable. . Most people in Manchester have discovered the fine White Beans, 10c lb. Many colorful figures of the I 10 lbs. 61c 5 lbs. 32c By far, the most popular butter in town. Over - Vlrden Sliced Peaches, 19c can. diamond are seen in support of drinking qualities of both. 1,000 pounds sold weekly. , 8 lbs. Whole Rice, 25c. Richard Dix Including Mike Dohlln, (Packed in sanitary cloth bags.) Mrs. Clock’s Canned Goods, all famous Giant o^ other days, Mike Kinds. 38c Jar. Ready, the oldest living profession Sunbrite Cleanser, 6 Cans for al ball player, Chet Thomas, Wally THE E. S. KIBBE COMPANY One Package FREE With Every Package of 25c. STRICTLY FRESH, SELECTED Hood and many others. Frey New- WHOLESALE GROCERS, Tunaflsh, 28c can. meyer directed the plcturd. Latest up-to-the minute news HARTFORD EGGS V d o z . 59c Post’s Corn Flakes pkg. 8c happenings will be furnished MEATS through the current issue of MGM Native Chickens, 55c lb. Native Fowls, 42c lb. FINEST IMPORTED ST. MARTIN’S National Biscuit Cookies— Legs of Lamb, 30c lb. Lamb Patties, 8 for 25c. Over 66 Varieties Pork to Roast, 87c lb. W ^:m - JAMS and MARMALADES Daisey Hams, 40c lb. Imported direct from England. A wide assortment— Rib Roast Beef, 88c and 42c lb. strawberry and raspberry .|am. black currant, Damson, green Pot Roast, 35c lb. gage, Seville and bitter orange marmalade. MILKEENS Beef Liver, 80c lb. Small Link Sausage, 45c lb. WEE-ENI SPECIAIj * ARMOUR’S STAR AND CUDAHY’S PURITAN BOXED AND ROLLED FRinX You will find your favorite nationally advertised foods at all Apples, 4 Qts. for 25c. P Stores— foods that have passed the tests of thousands HAM lb. S3c HAM lb. 42c Peachr,s, 2 Qts. for 25c. > 1 bl'Usei^s— a1^ prices usually lower than elsewhere. (No bones and no waste— sugar cured) ' Large Basket, 40c. (Sugar cured) Pears, 4 Qt. Basket, 40c. Sheldon Pears, 05c Basket. FANCY FRESH KILLED MEAT PRODUCTS MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS Grapes for Eating, 40c Basket. y Cal. Oranges, 85c Doz. - Pure Lard, 2 lbs...... 31c Bananas, 10c lb. TO BROIL Hornel’s Spiced Ham, lb...... 59c (Sanitary package) CHICKENS OR FRY (All cooked— ready to serve) Ivory Soap, 4 b a r s ...... 25c VEGETABLES Hale’s Select Sliced Bacon, lb...... 35c French’s Mustard, ja r ...... 25c (.Spinach, 39c Peck. Aster Brand Peanut Butter, 2 jars .’ ...... 25c *A^'’ rauliflo\ver, 25c each. - POT ROAST [“RIB ROAST' PORK I Standard Oysters Grote and Weigel’s Frankfurts', lb...... 30c (0 ounce ,1ar) Carrots, 3 Bundies for 25c. Boneless Fresh O O Solid, Meat O C Baker’s Cocoa. 1^2 lb. c a n ...... 16c Summer Squash, 3 for 25c. Thuringer Salami, lb. ...;...... 43c lb ...... 1 lb...... O O C P in t ...... C »D ‘C Sunbeam Fancy Wax Beans, 2 c a n s ...... 49c , Green and Red Peppers, 15c Qt. 31c (Extra small) Parsley, 5c. B. C. Salami, lb...... 53c FANCY STEER Carpenter’s Pure Texas Magnolia Fig Jam, 2 cans . .25c Soup Bunch, 10c. Genoa Salami, lb...... 59c '^eler>% 19c Bunch, (10 ounce can) il^ettuce, 12 l-2c Head. Grote and Weigel Metwurtz, lb...... 52c Battle Oeek Sanitarium Health Foods can be purchased at 'Lima Beans, 2 Qts., 35c. the Self-Serve where ,vou will find a complete line of this world O lbs. Sweet Potatoes, 25c. R ib R oast B e e f»32<-43< Pure Pork Link Sausages, lb...... 33c famous product. V . Cabbage, 6c lb. 5 lbs. Onions, 25c. LEGS OP GENUINE SPRING Beets, 3 Bunches for 25c. BEST BONELESS We Close Our Store Thursday KING MIDAS’ Evening. Lam b -lb Oven Roasts 43c FLOUR V , , 24«/2lb. bag $1.15 SAUSAGE MEAT FANCY FOWL Lamb Forequarter ‘The highest priced flour in America and worth all its costs.” Fi'Psh Q C Milk Fed a Spiing Lamb Made, lb...... o O C 4 lb. ave., lb...... 4 m C lb...... 24c Fancy Tokay California Sunkist Iceburg PORK SHOULDERS SPLIT BONE STEAK LETTUCE Fancy Fresh The Best TABLE GRAPES ORANGES Fine to bake, lb. 25c «b...... DOC 3 lbs...... 23c dozen ...... 45c 2 heads — ...... 25c FINE GRANULATED GREEN TOMATOES, 14 qt. basket...... 50c CELERY, large bunch ...... /15c lbs. N ATIVE SPINACH, p e c k ...... 29c CAULIFLOWER, head ...... 33c Our assortment wiU also include: McIntosh apples, California Sunkist oranges, Casaba and Honey Dew Melons, California Sunkist lemons, string figs, Bartlett pears, fresh p(nea|iples ,grapefmit, fresh cocoanuts, hot and sweet green and re«l {lepiters, white and Spanish SUNNYFIELD SLICED SELECTED onions, carrots, iiarsnlps, lima beans, Iceberg and head lettuce, beets, soup bunches, fresh peas, lettuce, green and wax stringless beans and sweet potatoes. . - ’ SEASON’S PACK— BACON . lb. 31c BGGS doz.. 37^ -— The better brand of canned SILVERBROOK PRINT, foods— vegetables — fruits— Read Our — fish. Come to the foodery Free SAM E PRICE .of no regrets— the pure food Parking Adv. on fehop that makes you feel bet- BUTTER AS TUB lb. print 5 1 ‘ /ter at table time. Space the FANCY MAINE .(Fancy F o w l...... 38c-42c Roasting Pork .... ______32c Rear of , Back Fresh Shoulders...... 26c Page Rump R o a s t...... 42c POTATOES lbs. Store Pot Roast ...... 35c .‘.Loin Lamb Chops...... 49c ’“I^egs of L a m b ...... 38c TOMATOES, Iona, 4 No. 2 cans ...... 29c • Shanks of H am ...... 15c MACARONI, Spaghetti or Noodles, A & P, 4 pkgs. 25c New Low Prices ' GROCERIES ...... r.-...... CHEESE, White or Colored, lb. 33c When prices drop Hale’s Health Market is among the first to announce the new prices. Take advantage of the .lOakite, 2 for ...... 25c j .- Verdue Peaches, large . . . .29c SWEET POTATOES, 10 lbs...... 25c present savings by shopping here tomorrow for your Sunday roast. .<€ut_^Wax B e a n s ...... 20c .'Cranberries, 1 lb...... 25c PINEPPLE, Del Monte, 2 No. 2 cans ...... 35c • Beechnut Cookies...... 25c SHORT STEAK, lb. LAMB CHOPS (loin) lb...... r. 45c • Cape Cod Cookies...... 25c French’s Salad Mustard, j a r ...... 12c Mueller’s Macaroni or Noodles, 2 pkgs. 25c >^Can'Rubbers; 4 dozen ....25c None Such Mince Meat, 2 pkgs...... 25c Mueller’s Spaghetti, pkg...... 11c PORK Squash, lb. . . .*. 5c Ralston’s Breakfast Food, pkg...... 23c A& P Chili ^ u c e , 12 oz. b o ttle ...... 20c BEEF Fresh Lean Pork Shoulders, l b ...... 26c iPumpkin, e a c h ...... 15c Sweetheart Soap, 5 c a k e s ...... 27c Ma Brown Pickles, 3 j a r s ...... 25c Boneless Clod Pot Roast, lb* ...... • • • 28c Fircsh SpsJTC RibSp lb* «••«••••••••••••••• • •••••• 24c* •*i^hell Beans, 2 lbs...... 25c Ivory Soap, 4 6 oz. cakes ...... 25c Nut Wafers,^ducator, lb...... 23c Boneless Cross Rib Roast, lb...... 35c Gem Bacon Squares, lb...... v ...... 25c Rock Turnips, lb...... 4c Boneless Rib Rof^t, lb...... *\. • • • ^ • 42c Fresh Pigs* Liver, lb...... 20c Tokay Grapes, 3 lbs...... 29c Prime Rib Roast, lb...... 34c and 36c Fresh Link Sausages, lb...... 34c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES POULTRY N Native Celery, 2 bunches...... l i . .29c Spinach, new crop, 8 lb. p e c k ...... 20c I Fresh Native Milk Fed Roasting Chickens, lb. . . d. 52c LAMB Tokay Grapes, 3 lbs...... 25c Hubbard Squash, lb...... 4c Native Milk Fed Broilers, lb...... 50c Tender Legs of Lamb, lb...... ,36c Concord Grapes, 3 lb. b a sk e t...... 25c | Beets and CsEirrots, 3 lbs...... 13c Fresh Milk Fed Fowls, lb...... 40c Lean Tender lAinb Roast, (Boneless) , lb...... 36c Rump Veal Roast, lb. . —...... 32c Boneless Veal Roast, lb...... 38c a- JUDLSHARKET iniii T T E J i s o M AIN ST. eiRiAir PHONE 2 3 3 9 ' m t PAGE SIXTEEN ^CITESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1928. »• ' Your Efforts-Use■ These Columns•-P' And Gain The '.>>«MM««»»>«*«»*>*>*»*»*>**y ***********^***^***^^^***^^^*********^***************'‘***^~»‘****>*******f*******^^***^''**’^******^ - ...... , ------i-inrri.j ij i^u uy-ju-LOAnr — nrru-'rLrj-ifWuwu Want Ad loformatlOB Annoancetnenta stbam sh ip riuKm's--aii pan* ot FOR S ^ E - 7)IRISH. Setter, - male. n,YING SQUADRON HEJ|D PUBUC RECORDS UST Manchester the world. Aak tor aatitne llata and Registered A. Kl'C. Alex Massey,'64 rates. Phono 160-1 Robert J, Smith. Hudson street Phone 1718. Evening Herald 1009 Main street. RAPPED DEAD PRU D EN T WARANTEE DEEDS. PERSONAL T ifiP A Y lJ Poaltrjf and SnppUea 48 ' Chenpy Brothers to Abrahr.m and Classified Advertisements Antomobiles for Sale 4 Phone Your Want Ads Mary J. McCann, one family house = / / FOR SALE—BARRED ROCK. Pul- .In Convention Here 20 Years on the south side of Eldrldge Enumeration andV Bflling All Count six averag* FOR SALE—OVERLAND 4 DOOR leta Karl Marka 136 Summer street street. fnttlftlB. numbari ftud abbr®vlfttlon^ aedan, all new tlrea $176. Reo 4- Telephone 1877. The ’ Ago Blocked Tribute .to Processes That Req^cj aaoh count as a word and compound pass. coupe, 6 cylinder, new tires, •' Grover Cleveland. ‘ Louis Andrulot to SauI Berhioan Lot of . Time. • words as two worda Minimum cost is $276, Oldsmoblle 4-pass, coupe, $176, Poaltry and Snpiilles 48 of Hartford, the buildings and lard price of three Ilnea ^ Ford coupe, Ford touring, glaes In- known as 25-27 Ridgewood street, closure for $26, Ford panel truck, 'h'Tlie coming of MIbs Norman cf Althoug.h the taking o f the enur Line rates per day for transient OulVEK BROTH EUS day Old Qbloks subject to a first mortgage of $2,- Chevrolet panel truck, 1926, 1926 from two year old hena Hollvwood Brown of Bloomingtonp 111., vlce- eratfblfi^bf ipersonalrvjUtxes •''^sta Oakland glass Inclosure. Many Strals-Blnnd tested and frsie-from M^Bldent of the “ Flying Sauadron 500 to the Home Bank and Trusi BffeotlT. March others to choose from. Real estates Evening Herald this mbrniog' L^e 'fi»4t':’'wlll nb( 1 White diarrhea Oliver Broa. Clarks ^undation,” who is to speak In Company of Manchester and a sec collected-until :Aprlk-4ltb a furth ^w lll be considered. Call at 149 Burn Corner. Cona 6 Consecutive Days ..I J oj* • side Avenue or Tel. Laurel 2104. ftnehester tomorrow, sjjeaklng at ond mortgage of $1,530. extension grant^ flnder the la'? 3 Consecutive Days .. » ats U ots t;'North Methodist church, repre- Louis Andrulot to Saul Berhmau June before penalty Is itnpcsel GUARANTEED USED CARS. of Hartford the buildings and land * AU^ ordeVs 'for 'irrVgular Insertions 1928 Nash Stan. Sedan. Articles for Sale 4Q . ;an organization that Is con- Enumerator David McCanli’s jo > will be oha' red at the one-time rate. 1927 Nash Spec. Sedan. ,- bases. Meusel, in the first inning, Gnszerl, 2b .. • ••••• SM•0 0 0 tercollegiate football was first t n - 1 and-the cross; buck and series contest. To a person wbo Dnrocher. 2b ...... 1 0 0 0 » o trodueed to the fans of Mipp^iesjter “ 5w a'weak-minded comihittee had coaches 'SlI heated jap.^Tbey stead has attended world series and hit the first ball pitched and was Ungan, 31; ...... 3 0 0 o 0 1) Bengtitigh, c ...... 3 0 o 8 1 o at the north end on Hickey’ s^St ^ *** those plans, fastly refus,ed to use the pass un knows tbe picture the radio tells out on a fly to Frisch. During the til lighier and taster teams were Coach Kelly Smooths Out DWYER W IU COACH entire game Hoyt pitched 111 balls, Hoyt, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 just off Oakland street. The Car-i The rules committee Immediately more than just the acts and the lisles-met the Tigers of Hartfdrd in countered by saying that, the spec- running rings around them newspaper accounts that are on the an average of 12 1-.. an inning. In .32 4 7 27 7 0 their heavy, brawny teams and'f>U street within an hour after the the seven innings that Sherdel St. liOniH (NL.) a gruelling contest in which' the Rough Spots; Student AB. 1. H. PO. A. E. Capitol City aggregation won 3 to