How to Write a CV: 2022 CV Format (Curriculum Vitae Template UK & USA) (2024)

How to write a CV?

[Click here to directly go to the complete CV content guide]

CVs are an important part of professionals life in a majority of countries, specially of those whio belong to the feilds of academics.

It is not true that since the concept of resumes has prevailed no one uses CVs anymore. Despite of new mediums like social media and digital media, CVs remain th ebest traditional way to sell yourself to any particular role.

So don't fill it up with unnecessary keywords and phrases just for the sake of making it long and completely occupied, ensure its readability and keep it relevant to the role you're applying for.

Also, make sure you write skills which you can substantiate and not soft-key skills which cannot be substantiated. Mentioning soft skills will only develop the thought in the recruiters mind that you are trying to fill up the white space, which is a negative impression.

Also avoid using slangs and acronyms in your CV. CVs are meant to be professional documents and not blogs full of fancy words.

Simply put, like a resume, a curriculum vitae ( CV ) is a summary of your experience and skills.

However, CV layout is longer than resumes - transcending two or three pages.

The blog will answer the following questions:

  • Who needs to draft a CV?
  • How to write a CV?
  • Types of professional CV templates
  • What is the ideal CV length?
  • What to include in a CV?
  • What is the CV structure for USA?

CV layout include information on your academic background, including teaching experience, research, degrees, awards, presentations, publications, and other achievements.

CV layouts are thus much longer than resumes, and include more information, particularly details related to one’s academic background.

A CV Summary is a 1-2 page long, shortened versions of a full length curriculum vitae. Its sole purpose is to convey one's skills and achievements along with qualification in a briefed up information. When large organizations hire in bulk they often ask the applicants to send in a CV summary instead of full complete CVs.

Also, you will get more clarity on how to write a CV in the CV example given below.

Who needs a CV?

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As mentioned above, CVs are generally used by people in the field of academics like that of archaeology. People in such feilds have an extensive work to put on paper to which CVs serve the best purpose.

Their extensive works include things like publications and papers published, feild trips, lectures delivered, etc.

The mention of all these things on an academic CV play an important role. Basically, an academic CV is incomplete without such terms.

Students of fellowship or doctorate would often put emphasis on how important it is to get published in one's career and reflect it in the standard academic CV.

Look at the CV example below to get more clarity on how a CV looks.

Where do you need a CV?

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Basically, when you are applying for a job in New York City, Minneapolis or Austin, the language should be cear on what all documents are required with the application. More often than not, they all require a resume.

However, opportunities overseas will clearly state whether they need a CV or a resume from the applicants.

US and Canadian citizens often require a CV in case where they are submitting job applications to work overseas, particularly in the UK, New Zealand and Ireland.

In countries like these, only a CV works for all purposes. Resumes are not used at all.

American resumes follow a format different from in Ireland. This is very important because if your resume does not follow a format the hiring manager is used to, he or she may view it as poorly prepared. Remember even the best professional CV template in Ireland may not be appropriate for an employer in the US.

The CV is what is used in mainland Europe and it even has a European Union CV format Here's the link to create a CV in an European Union CV Format if you want to build one.

Have a glance at the CV example given above to see how a UK CV format looks like.

CV Format: How to write a CV

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People often search for the answer to the question, 'How to write a CV?'

The cv writing format is considerably different from a resume format.

A cv layout does not entertain the reverse chronological order. So the question still remains, 'How to write a CV?' It is the type of document that is expressively opposite to a standard resume.

Refer the CV example given above to get more clarity on how to write a CV.

Professional CV template - Types

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Below are a few professional CV templates that are used for different purposes. Each CV template serves a differet purpose and these professional CV templates should be used only for thesepcific purpose that is stated below.

Creative professional CV Templates (for showing skills in marketing, design, and other creative fields)
Technical professional CV Templates (for IT-based positions)
Teaching professional CV Templates (for teaching roles)
Academic professional CV Templates (for research/lecturing based positions or PhDs)
Skills-based professional CV Templates (for those with little work experience)

These professional CV emplates shouldn't be used for the purpose that it is not meant for.

Creative professional CV templates are meant for roles pertaining to marketing, design and other creative roles like that of a markwting head, graphic designer and ballroom dancer.

Technical professional CV templates are meant for roles pertaining to IT industry like that of web designer, java developer and business analyst.

Teaching professional CV templates are meant for roles pertaining to the field of education like that of nursery teachers, primary teachers and senior classes teachers.

Academic professional CV templates are meant for roles pertaining to the field of academica like that of research scientist, immuno-oncologist, and junior researchers.

Skill-based professional CV templates are meant for people in the fields of electrical engineers, soft skill trainers and sales managers.

Look at the few CV example templates given above.

CV Length

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Only include what makes you a good fit for the role you are applying for, and do not overdo it with unnecessary detail. Write a CV that is the perfect length and not unnecceserily lengthy.

You can always use addenda or a portfolio to elaborate on any skills, projects or experiences you did not have room for in your CV. Ideally, write a CV that is minimum of 1 page and maximum of 4 pages.

CV Content

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Just as a resume, your CV layout should have your name, education, contact information, skills, and experience.

Additionally,a curriculum vitae contains your research, publications, professional associations, awards, teaching experience, grants and fellowships, licenses and any other additional information that is relevant to the job you're applying for.

You must still start with a master CV,first list all your information and then organize it into sections.

As opposed to a resume which you tailor according to your target job profile, a CV layout contains all of the following information:

  • Contact information
  • Academic history
  • Professional experience
  • Qualifications and skills
  • Awards and honors
  • Publications
  • Professional associations
  • Grants and fellowships
  • Licenses and certificates
  • Volunteer work
  • Personal information
  • Hobbies and interests

See the CV example above to get the idea of what length a CV should be.

How to Write a CV: 2022 CV Format (Curriculum Vitae Template UK & USA) (1)

How to write a CV

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The following points will tell you how to write a CV in detail.

  • Start your points with power verbs and use active verbs within the points. For example, use words like 'administered','commissioned' and 'determined' to start your sentences.
  • Conduct a spelling and grammer check on your resume befor you post it online or send to a recruiter. This should include checking for mistakes like misspelled words and puntuation and double spacing errors.
  • Do not write soft skilla in your key skills section such as 'hardworking','self-motivated' and 'good communication skills'. Instead, writes skills which you can substantiate within the resume like 'P&L Management','Business Development' and 'KPI'.
  • Ensure that your CV is relevant to the profile that you're applying for. To do so check the company's website and read the job description posted by them properly.
  • Write all your information in reverse chronological order whether its a skills-based CV or an academic CV.
  • There is no need to mention the term 'Curriculum Vitae' at the starting of the page.
  • Never write false thoings in your job application or CV as it can have serious consequences. This will leave the negative impact of being dishonest on the recruiter. For example, if you write false degree grade by increasing it to 90% from 85%, it will be considered as a degree fraud and you can land up in jail.
  • Do not write your home address when posting a CV online as fraudsters can target you.
  • Always include a cover letter with your CV untiless stated therwise by the recruiter. This way you can personalize your job application. You can concentrate on highlighting a specific pat of your curriculum vitae like mention a disability or justify gaps in your career if any.

So, the above mentioned points tell you precisely how to write a resume.

Refer the CV example given above to get clarity on how to write a CV.


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Avoid unprofessional fonts such as Serif type fonts. Instead, choose something more professional such as Calibri at 10 points.

Keep your CV short and readable by giving clear spacings and writing bullet points.

This type of professional CV template bolsters its readability, allowing employers to peruse your CV and easily pick out the relevant information.

If you're submitting your CV, go for a single page CV layout, one side. Only print on one side and don't fold your CV - you don't want it to arrive creased.

These few tips will also help you with your question of 'How to write a resume?'

The tips written above are also applied on the CV examples provided above. Have a look.

Professional CV Template UK

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The professional CV template UK is a different template which is esily available on the Europass Online CV maker UK. Make use of this CV template to create a CV if you are applying for a job in the UK or Europe.

This professional CV template allows you to enter all informartion with a CV template form and then arranges your CV template in the UK CV template form.

This professional CV template is one of the most used profesional CV template across UK.

UK professional CV template layouts are simple and list all your experiences in chronological order from your education to your current work profile.

In this professional CV template firt list your work profile in the reverse chronological order, staring from the most recent job first and then the second most recent job. List your education section in the same form in this CV format.

Ensure that your points highlight achievements and quantify your contributions to optimize the impact of your Curriculum Vitae.

Highlighting achievemnts and quantifying your contributions will make this professional CV template more impactful.

Have a look at the UK CV example given above.

Curriculum Vitae USA

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In the US, the universal CV is only accepted for the following:

  • Research/Fellowships/Grants
  • Academia
  • Medical

If you're looking for a job in the U.S.A then you need to make the resume in American fromat.

A resume is different than a CV.

Take a look at the USA CV exaple given above.

Curriculum Vitae USA: Structure & Content

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The following points blow will tell you how to write a CV that can be used in the USA.

Technical Parameters:

  • Your resume length should not exceed a single page, one side
  • You may use an 4 or 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • Leave a 0.5 - 1 inch margins on all sides

If you are sending your resume via post, print it on quality paper synchronizing the colour scheme with your cover letter.

Do not write information such as:

  • height
  • weight
  • age
  • gender
  • marital status
  • photograph
  • religion
  • race
  • political preferences

It is illegal in the USA for recruiters to recruit employees based on characteristics or preferences of applicants. If you share such information on your resume, your curriculum vitae usa could be disqualified.

Educational experience in your curriculum vitae usa should include:

  • Name of all the educational institutes attended
  • Degree or certificate received
  • Dates of attendance
  • Additional awards or honors received

Briefly mention all the courses that you completed and all the projects you did that are relevant to the job that you are applying for.

If you've done any volunteer work then put that in your CV as well. First mention the name of your organisation, then the dates in the format of (mm/yy) in which you volunteered. Next comes the location and the department in which you volunteered.

Include a short section at the end of your resume that includes a description of any special skills you have such as knowledge of computer programs and foreign languages.

Spell check the resume at least two times, using an English spell check program.

Once you have completed your own edits and corrections, have someone else review your resume for mistakes Save your resume as both Microsoft Word and text only formats, as some employers and job sites accept only one of these.

If you have the ability to save your resume as a PDF, this can be a better format to use when sending email attachments because compatibility issues can sometimes arise with other file types.

Remember that your resume is a reflection of you.

Tailoring Your Resume

While responding to a job posting, it is necessary to make your resume specific to the position you are seeking.

Present your educational and professional experience in a way that matches the requirements and duties of the target position. This includes:

  • Including Target Keywords
  • Naming Relevant Subjects Studied
  • ALigning Skillset
  • Rewriting Summary Section


If Job Position states that the applicant should be familiar with budgeting principles,

Then Applicant should include descriptions of any projects you completed in school or in your job that is related to managing expenses, conducting financial analysis, or using accounting software and/or spreadsheets.

So, the following points abov tell you how to write a CV that can be used in the USA.

We've implyed the guideline given above in the CV example provided above as well.

CV Help

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We suggest you get your resume reviewed professionally.

Further there are plenty of services which shall allow you to rewrite your entire cv in order to fit the classic format.

The relevance of these services lie in the fact that you shall receive a professional texture to all aspects of your curriculum vitae. This includes:

  • Industry-Specific Keywords: Keywords to pass all ATS algorithm
  • Professional CV Templates: Industry-specific & official designs
  • Quantitative Action: Numertically aided contribution points
  • STAR points: Cause-effect point formation (Situation Task Answer Result)
  • Fluff-proof: Nil open-ends or insignificant details
  • Proofread: Nil grammatical or spelling errors
  • Quality Assured: Passed through multiple quality checks

The CV example provided above has been proof read in all the ways provided above.

Key Takeaways

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If you're skilled at writing resumes, then you must be tempted to make your CV layout of one page.

However, that shouldn't be the case. CVs need a lot of information so they have multiple pages full of information.

Basically, don’t delete important information to save more space.

Before posting your job application, ensure that you've proof read your CV for an gramatical errors and spelling mistakes.

You can also ask one of your trusted colleagues or mentors to go throught it once especially if they belong to the same industry or profile which you're applying for.

A second opinion or a fresh pair of eyes are always helpful in this scenario.

So, we hope this article helped you to anser your question, 'How to write a CV?'

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.