The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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Western New Great Newspaper Buffalo 'Evening News Section III Pane 35 News Want Ads Bring Results Wives at Convention Meet the Speaker Platinum Dust 3 MRS WILLIAM KEMBLE Woman Gets Jail nr II I were was can do Can on a cases ask thp na be con new assessed valua tions will further building progress the Board of Assessors was warned today by our Named to List Special to Buffalo Evening Newi ALRED eb our Buf falo students in the State Uni versity Agricultural Techni cal Institute here have Been named to the first quarter List They are red Gould 98 Shoreham Pkwy Burton Platt 272 Sterling Ave lorence Renzi 3560 Abbott Rd and James Steg ner 361 Martha Ave ROBERT KENNEDY In Statler Hilton no provision for a rental in crease new valuations will knock us right out of the box he said report an in approx Snapshots by Seig No tranquilizer No sheep Just let me alone sleep vast majority of mem bers of that union are he asserted control of the organization is in the hands of 1 gangsters and hoodlums 1 Says Democracy Blocked the power the Teamsters i possess they control transporta tion They could close down a i metropolitan center such as New I York City in 48 hours" In its 2'2 years of operation 1 Mr Kennedy noted the McClel lan Committee interviewed 1500 witnesses and received 150000 letters of complaint mostly from rank and file teamsters He said widespread abuses also were practiced in the In ternational Union of Operating Engineers and that in neither union is a democratic election of officers possible because of the of delegate lists Mr Kennedy charged that in this situa tion responsibility does not rest solely with unions and must be shared by management and by a small segment of the legal profession Urges Ethics Code Several nationally known com panies and corporations he asserted entered into illegal with union officers gen erally to gain an advantage over competitors these he said generally was a lawyer preparing the improper agree would be highly he submitted the Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufac turers would adopt a code of ethics to deal with the problem of corruption in labor manage ment relations" Mr Kennedy suggested the newest labor legislation the Landrum Griffin Labor Act is Says Removal Possible He viewed it as a major step forward in preventing misuse of union funds guaranteeing demo cratic elections and stopping the infiltration of gangsters into the unions In answer to a question he said Mr Hoffa could be removed from office by a court action and that if this happened Hoffa influence probably would be re moved The dinner followed a recep tion co sponsored by The Buffalo Evening News and the Courier Express Special dinner guests included Mrs Edward Butler president of The News and A Gordon Bennett secretary and general manager of the Courier Express The Invocation was given by Dr Albert Butzer minister of Westminster United Pres byterian Church McClellan Committee Aide Tells Publishers It Could Keep Continuous Eye on Criminals Ousted TV Producer Sues LOS ANGELES eb 17 Producer Director Herbert Bay ard Swope Jr is suing 20th Cen tury ox Television Inc for JSSOAR Ma in a suit the fringe of downtown Mr Alexander said: cities that have done this well with properly located park ing lots frequent bus service and good promotion this plan is very Mr Alexander emphasized the importance of tax revenue in reviving downtown areas downtown is allowed to deteriorate this most important single factor in a tax base is going to be hurt and that Is a serious matter to every citU He repeatedly stressed the folly of promoting a single program as a get enthusiastic about parking which may rep resent 10 of the total problem then are surprised when a park ing program is put into effect and they automatically have increased He continued: Urban renewal sometimes leads to apathy rath er than to continued action and success Elmira Plan Described can merchants believe that rebuilding a ten or 20 acre site is going to solve all down town Mr Alexander appeared on a panel with Lyman Gridley of Elmira and Henry Stocky general manager of The Knick erbocker News Albany i Mr Gridley a young Elmira businessman outlined the proj ect spearheaded by a group or nine businessmen with mer chant co operation and private capital to demolish rundown buildings and construct a mid town plaza Mr Stock told about the park and shop operation in Albany where a non profit corporation of merchants administers a stamp validating plan to ease parking for customers The corporation owns outright two parking lots leases six lots and has working agreements with private operators These provide space for 1500 cars Kenneth Burke general manager of The Niagara alls Gazette was moderator of the panel discussion which conclud ed the two day meeting of pub SenatorCan Win Brother Believes Senator John Ken nedy can win the April 5 Democratic primary from Senator Hubert Humphrey in in the firm opinion of his brother Robert Kennedy The latter chief counsel to the McClellan Committee when it investigated union leadership abuses Tuesday evening addressed the New York State Publishers Asso ciation in the Statler Hilton To a Buffalo Evening News reporter he expressed these opinions: It Religion will play some part but a small part in the presidential election if Sen ator Kennedy a Catholic is the Democratic nominee II Most Americans will vote on the basis of the candi ability and integrity 11 If Senator Kennedy is the Democratic nominee and loses the election he will not blame his religion Holiday Schedule or Mail Monday Mail service will be par tially curtailed Monday' Biithday Postmaster Myron Blak eney announced today there would be no mail or parcel post delivery However mail may be picked up from 8 to 11 AM in the Main Post Office and the Square Station and from 8 to 10 AM in stations and branches except Market and South Buffalo Stamps will be sold in the stations and branches from 9 to 10 AM The stamp and registry windows in the Main Office and the Parcel Post Station will be open from 9 AM to 5:30 PM and there will be special delivery serv ice from 7 AM to 11 PM Mail will be collected A DOWNTOWN REBIRTH NEEDS BROAD ACTION PUBLISHERS ARE TOLD HOSPITAL SOCIETY INSTALLATION SET Officers of the Sustain ing Society of Mercy Hospital will be installed by County Judge Jacob A Latona at 6:30 eb 25 at the annual dinner in the hos pital The officers are: President Albert A Neary vice presidents Joseph Leonard Arthur Schumacher and Donald Kane treasurer George Kreuzer secretary Ralph Smith and assistant secretary red Kinney Supreme Court Justice Carlton A isher will speak Martin Lawandus is chairman Lloyd ink will be toast master Mr Neary succeeds Jo seph Gradl as president Declares Judge Saw Too Much SvrcM tn Buffalo Evening Newt CORNING eb Can a peace justice who witnessed the arrest of a motorist for speeding convict that motor ist? That is the crux of an ap peal pending before Steuben County Judge Gabri elli here iq behalf of a Horse heads schoolteacher Hilda Rhodes a teacher in the Elmira school system has appealed her March 2 speeding conviction by Peace Justice Clayton Robinson Her appeal alleges that the judge seated in a State Po lice car witnessed her arrest and thus was disqualified from hearing the case The appeal alleges that while Justice Robinson was arraigning her as he sat in the vehicle he leaned out a window and cried: goes another one Get that Drifts of platinum dust piled against antibody molecules like snow against a fence are help ing scientists measure the size and shape of the molecules The technique is described by three researchers including a Roswell Park Memorial Insti tute biochemist in the Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Cytology Dr Alfred Nisonoff of Roswell Park worked out the method of purifying the antibody in collab oration with Dr David Press man the chief of bio chemistry research Dr Hall and Slayter of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology developed the technique of measuring the individual antibodies as seen in an electron microscope An antibody is a specific sub stance produced in the body as the reaction to the presence of a foreign substance or antigen Dr Nisonoff purified a specific rabbit antibody (anti azoben zoate) A solution of this antibody was sprayed on a mica surface with a high pressure spray gun Mi nute particles of platinum were then evaporated across the anti body field These piled up against the antibody molecules as snow piles up against a fence The snow fence effect and its shadows were photographed under the electron microscope at a magnification of 15000 The size and shape of the molecules were determined from prints of 100000 magnification by meas uring the shadows cast by the platinum drifts lodged against the antibody molecules The antibody molecules they found are asymmetrical rod like particles about one millionth of an inch in length and five to ten times smaller in diameter The scientists hope to learn from such studies more about how antibodies combine with the antigens or foreign sub stances to destroy them MORE SALT BARRELS SOUGHT OR WAR ON WINTER TIE UPS The first step in a program to relieve traffic congestion at via ducts bridges and key intersec tions when temperature changes occur suddenly was taken today by Traffic A'dviser Henry Os borne The "Salt project de veloped jointly by the Parks 'De partment Division of Safety and Niagara rontier Transit Sys tem calls for salt storage barrels at all troublesome locations Mr Osborne pointed out that if 50 intersections become haz ardous and cause a serious traf fic slowup the whole city could be tied up in a short time The Streets Division now pro vides 43 salt barrels at 36 loca tions In the first step proposed by Mr Osborne in a communication to Streets Director rederick Ganter the key locations would be increased to 138 with 278 barrels at additional locations SEVEN MARRIAGES ARE DISSOLVED IN SUPREME COURT Three divorces and four annul ments were granted today by justices in Supreme Court None of the suits was contested Jus tice John Dwyer granted these divorces: Mrs Elizabeth Lucewicz of 733 Revere Ave North Tona wanda from Casimer Lucewicz whom she married Oct 26 1946 in Buffalo Mrs Patsy Ann Logan Main St: Holland from Charles Logan married May 29 1954 in Ellicott 'Justice Carlton A isher granted a divorce to: Mrs Dorothy Imercse 324 Curtiss St from Anthony Ime rcse married Jan 1 1952 in Buffalo He granted annulments to: Mrs Danielle Quick 1774 A Kenmore Ave from Arvel Quick married March 29 1955 on the ground he failed to keep a pre marital promise to change his religion Mrs Genevieve Adamczyk 496 Smith St from Bernard Adamczyk married Oct 3 1958 in Erie Pa on the ground he broke a pre marital promise to raise a family Justice Harry orhcad granted an annulment to: Curtis Parker 2 Goulding Ave from Mrs Vera Parker married May 30 1948 in Buf falo on the ground she broke a pre marital promise to have children Justice Alfred Kramer granted an annulment to: Mrs Elli oster Old Lake Shore Rd Angola from Lloyd oster married Aug 20 1953 in Leggries Germany on the ground of fraud crime with the same weapons we used against Al He noted that have moved on we The investigator who led the probe that uncovered abuses in the Teamsters Union brought his proposal for a national com mission to a state that already has embarked on a unified anti crime program Would Check Gangsters Closely The New York State Crime Commission has been investi gating organized crime state wide and in some inter state basis Kennedy asserted a tional commission would able to focus a close and tinuous scrutiny on the activ ities and movements of known criminals He added: BI does a good job but does not take over until a crime has been committed or an al legation of a crime is made function of a Crime Com mission which agency of course should be federally oper ated would be to know the whereabouts of gangsters and serve as an intelligence unit to pool information from all sec tions of the Mr Kennedy suggested that meetings of crime overlords such as the Apalachin convention of November 1957 could be more effectively dealt with if knowl edge of movements were known to police Relates indings was only by chance and the alertness of a local officer that the Apalachin meeting was he said Mr Kennedy described the Teamsters Union as in power only to the Govern and said: things which even the Govern ment cannot Relating findings of the Mc Clellan Committee he said mil lions of dollars of union funds were used for personal gain by Teamster President James Hoffa and some of his top offi cers many of the latter con victed criminals ALTERNATE SIDE PARKING POSTED The Division of Safety ex pects to complete the conversion of about 200 miles of streets to alternate side parking by next year Traffic Adviser Henry Osborne said the Safety Board already has approved about 100 miles of streets of which 40 to 60 miles have been posted by the Police Department The Parks Department Streets Division and Police Department are providing manpower for the posting job which governs the pace of the conversions Mr Osborne said the posting of the first 100 miles is expected to be completed this year and the next 100 miles next year DEENDANT INED 5500 OR PISTOL IN ATAL SHOOTING A 63 year old defendant con victed of illegally possessing a revolver used in a fatal shooting today was fined $500 by County Judge Jacob A Latona A prison sentence of two an8 one half to five years also was imposed on Dewey Love of 86 Eagle St but Judge Latona sus pended execution because of the record as a hard worker attorney Jacob Jacob son noted that the jury ac quitted the defendant of first de gree manslaughter Love claimed he shot in self defense in killing Willie Hodge 32 vising at 168 Elm St Jan 31 1959 he had the gun this other man would be olive to day" Judge Latona remarked in directing that Love be continued on probation the has been paid PLEAS LAWYER PARENTS SAVE MAN ROM JAIL A 24 year old Canadian was within minutes of going to prison today but a last ditch appeal by his lawyer and parents kept him on probation Jerry Kowal of St Catharines was charged with violating his probation by returning to the United States Jan 17 The late ederal Judge Justin Mor gan suspended a two year sen tence for illegal entry and placed Kowal on five probation on June 23 1958 His attorney Leo allon told ederal Judge John Hen derson today that Kowal suf fered a serious head injury in 1953 and has ever since The judge called the defend ants parents to the bench and they assured him that if their son was allowed to remain on probation they would get psy chiatric help for him "You have been a rough miserable the judge told Kowal intended to send you to prison If it were not for your decent mother and father your fine attorney and the fact vou obviously need mental help I He directed Kowal be deported and continued the pro bation CWA Leader at Conference Attending a on Relations in a Changing sponsored at the Uni versity of Chicago by the Com munications Workers of America (ArL ClO) for its national staff is Eugene Mays Buffalo in ternational representative of the CWA By JERRY ALLAN Buffalo Evening Newt Bureau LOCKPORT eb 17 Youths arrested for drunk driving are considered It is com paratively easy for youngsters to a in Niagara County Too many English courses are taught in high schools Teach ers have pets More youth cen ters are needed The school day is not long enough Ideas like these were sug gested Tuesday by 30 students from 15 Niagara County schools at a conference in the Court House here sponsored by the Juvenile Aid Bureau There were raised eyebrows from adults at the conference when Ralph Smith 16 a junior at Wilson Central School suggested lengthening the school day just enough he said study and all the extracurricular activi Morality Is a Topic wanted something from the boys and girls themselves" said Sheriff James Murphy the conference chairman we certainly got plenty say one thing about young people They are not afraid to sound And sound off they did in a lively discussion patterned Court Judge rank after the advertising agency Kronenberg told the conference technique at a luncheon in the Park Hotel 4806672 Vehicles In 1959 Sei Record is very wrong with youthful morality said Rosemary alter 18 of 8635 Jacob Pl Niagara alls a senior at LaSalle High School who get arrested for drunk driving are considered Miss alter said "and everyone seems to think cute If serious about life you're a Miss alter said teen aged drinking could be curbed by stricter enforcement of the drinking age law by tavern own ers boy or girl who really wants to can get a drink in this county and all of them know she insisted Drinking a Problem Another youngster voiced the wish that parents go back to just being? parents in stead of buddies to pal around said young Smith a boy who wants to be carpenter must study four years of English We are exposed to the English lan guage every day of our Bertram Denton 16 a jun ior at Barker Centra! School said that steady as serious as parents make it out to but Maureen Palacci 16 of Lockport a junior at DeSales High School disagreed can be discerned at the first grade Chil Helping Scientists Measure Molecules 2 BUALO SAILORS ARE AT McMURDO our months will be spent in the total darkness of the Antarc tic by two Buffalo sailors who volunteered for the reeze expedition to McMurdo Sound The scien tific research project started in November and will last a full year The two volunteers are Radio man irst Class Albert Evans 26 son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Groth 151 Sprenger Ave and Radioman Third Class John Aures 21 son of Mrs Avon Aures 1770 William St Radioman wife and son are visiting her parents in Lon don Eng The winter season of darkness corresponds with summer months Dur ing that period their only con filed Tuesday that he was fired tact with the outside world will Jan 22 although his contract cx be by radio tended to next Oct 23 Dr Greenberg Appointed Dr Jacob Greenberg 166 Hartford Rd has been appoint ed by Mayor Sedita as a mem ber of the Committee on Rec reation for the Elderly The term is for six years Dr Green berg a graduate of the Univer sity of Buffalo Dental School has been active in programs for I the againg and was instrumental in establishing the West Side Golden Age Club Nathan Benderson president of protesting the new land valua the Benderson Development CoJtions particularly Mr Bender Mr Benderson said the new son said is unfair to valuations would require New Pe'aware carry York City office rental rates ilieiin xf mprrhnrv no one is willing to pay raise his prkes t0 meet higher in Buffalo" He reported the Mr Benderson said new Tishman Bldg has been "We forced to cut its rates I Mr Benderson filed protests Mr Benderson explained his on 55 parcels valued by the as procedure is to oevetop oust 1 at He was ness properties and lease them asked to furnish operating state on a fixed long term basis with intents on each PRE TRIAL ROLE IN CASES CITED Pre trial conferences 59 of them played a major role in the disposition of 32 of the 90 civil cases on the calendar of the November term of ederal Court which ended today Judge John Henderson said 29 cases were settled and three jury verdicts returned Seven other cases had juries but six resulted in settlements during trial and one in a mistrial be cause of the death of the plain father Most of the other cases were moved by attorneys for trial at a later term There also were five criminal trials A large number of guilty pleas helped reduce the number of jail cases untried to one and that involved a defendant who asked for an adjournment in his trial Parking Urban Renewal or Better Traffic System Not Enough in Themselves Expert Says BARTENDER IRES SHOT CAPTURES BURGLARY SUSPECT Buffalo Evenhuj News Bureau LOCKPORT eb 17 A light sleeping bartender early today nabbed a burglary suspect at rmepoint after firing a warning snoi Gerald Schultz 34 of 619 Mulberry St West Bridge water Pa was charged with first degree burglary and will be arraigned before Peace Jus tice Roy Schimer Carl Luberti22 employed in Transit Rd lives next door He told deputy sheriffs that he was awakeneu by the sound of glass breaking about 3:50 AM dressed Mr Lu berti said the rifle ran out fired a warning shot and then ran into the Deputies said a rear window was broken but nothing stolen City Warned Assessments Will Discourage Builders MRS RANK BAKER Lockport and Yonkers Women Chat at Reception Robert Kennedy Proposes National Crime Commission or Balking in Jury's Numbers Inquiry A balky woman witness be fore the holdover "December grand jury investigating the numbers racket was sentenced to 30 days in jail today by Coun ty Judge Burke I Burke Mrs Angeline Natarelli 60 Manchester Pl began weeping as the judge told her she was adjudged in contempt of court for refusing to answer questions eb 1 before the grhnd jury but she was not taken into cus tody immediately Asst Dist Atty rederick Marshall who had requested the contempt order said that a mandate must be prepared before she is lodged in the county jail Protests Holdover Jury Her attorney John Con don Jr told the court that he intends to appeal and Judge Burke said he would consent to allowing bail if an appeal is formally filed Mr Condon objected that the holdover grand jury has not been con tending that court records mere ly show the continuation of the jury without listing the specific reason He also claimed that the jury lacked the power to grant im munity to witnesses in connec tion with a lottery charge Mr Marshall defended the continuation of the holdover grand jury asserting that all of the required legal entries had been made in the minutes kept by the court clerk He also asserted that in ad dition to investigating lottery operations the jury was inquir ing into a possible charge of conspiracy Directed to Answer 2 Queries One of the questions Mrs Natarelli has refused to answer related to her husband Pas quale who Mr Condon con tended was one of the targets of the State Police investigation Mrs Delores Cannizzaro 139 Lovering Ave whose husband Bartholomew Cannizzaro was arrested in the State Police roundup Oct 23 was directed by Judge Burke to answer two specific questions: you own a motor and does your husband She will appear eb 24 before the grand jury Judge Burke postponed until March 2 contempt cases involv ing Mrs Wynell Smith 223 Mul berry St and Victor Costello 159 Lexington Ave who have refused to answer questions in the grand jury proceedings New ire al Site Of 3 Alarm Blaze Is Probed by Police ire alarm box 711 at Masten Ave and Riley St is the hottest one in the city these days At 5:12 this morning the alarm was pulled for the third time in four days Each call has been at about the same hour irefighters were called to the ruins of a three story brick apartment building at the corner It was damaged heavily last ri day in a $75000 three alarm blaze The fire drove 35 per sons from ten apartments The building also housed Jr Tavern fire is being investi gated and will be also although it was less serious be cause no one was in the burned building Second Battalion Chief Martin Golden said fire was in a second floor room over the tavern several yards from Iwo spots where flames were dis covered in three alarmer The fire had quite a start Chief Golden added apparently because it was not discovered quickly He listed the cause as undetermined pending investiga tion by the police Arson Squad Several hose lines were used for half an hour to get the blaze un der control and another hour was required to extinguish all flames The second alarm in the series was pulled at box 741 Tuesday morning iremen were called to investigate smoke in a house at 169 Masten The cause was meat burning on the stove A National Crime Commission to revise what he termed 30 year old methods of fighting or ganized crime was proposed Tuesday evening by Robert Kennedy formed chief counsel for the Rackets Inves tigating Committee Addressing the New York State Publishers 39th winter convention in the Statler Hilton Mr Kennedy charged that fighting booh charges at tempt to get Reuther PAGE 23 or Peace Bridge During 1959 more vehicles crossed the Peace Bridge than in any year since it was built in 1927 total of 4806672 for all types of vehicles exceeded the previous high set in 1958 by 338069 said the an nual report of the Buffalo Erie Public Bridge Authority made public today The annual meeting was held Monday The biggest day was Aug 1 with 43748 vehicles A total of 927512 crossed the bridge during that month a result of the increase in says the "revenue has shown crease over 1958 of imately Warehouse Completed Most of the construction funds carried over from 1958 the re port continues to com plete the program of providing facilities on the Cana dian side of the bridge in keep ing with the expanding volume of business year says the re port the completion of a new warehouse and straight load dock with additional park ing areas for trucking com panies for construction of new Canadian canopies and in spection lanes were awarded in March 1959 This work should be completed early in New Executive Offices Cost of these contracts greater than anticipated and there are insufficient funds available to carry out renova tion of the Canadian administra tion building at present it said An addition to the executive offices of the Authority on the American side will be ready for occupancy early this year The Authority adopted a re tirement plan in December 1959 providing for a maximum re tirement pay of up to 50 of the last five average an nual rate of pay Liability of $532747 It is non contributory and it will be necessary for the Au thority to set aside $750000 over the next 20 years for that pur pose The Authority will assume a liability of $532747 for the past service of those employes now serving and it will be liquidated as funds become available At the Monday meeting the retiring chairman Allen Brooks of Welland thanked the board have given unstint ingly of time and effort without By RANK BUELL 'A "broad attack is the key to successful down town revitalization the New York State Publishers As sociation was told today Laurence A Alexander of New York president ot National Downtown Services Inc a consulting organi zation said: "No single be it parking urban renewal beautification or improved traffic approaches any degree of sufficiency for true downtown revitaliza Calling for a comprehensive 1 program Mr Alexander said re tail stores banks newspapers and professional men must work together i But he placed on the mer chants and property owners the blame for the fashioned dingy that is com mon in the central areas of American cities Mr Alexander called for more co operation among merchants explaining: merchants must realize that it is the combined retail pulling power of the down town area along with its status as the entertainment business and cultural center that brings people downtown the merchants have worked together to pull people i downtown then is the time for them to Mr Alexander praised news papers for their editorial lead ership contributions to down town organizations and the pres tige they have put behind down town betterment He called on merchants to un derwrite more aggressive pro motional efforts to educate the public to a better image of down to overcome the attitude of goes there any Mr Alexander warned against attempted dash He said the effect of downtown malls as recently publicized in Kalamazoo Mich and Toledo Ohio has not been proved Mall is a overworked in downtown revitaliza tion he said adding: in Toledo and Kalamazoo found that other than attracting the curiosity seekers the malls failed to produce any increase in shopper traffic probably will be suc cessful mqlls but they will come as the result of careful study and to fit particular circum stances And remember there are many alternatives to the avorable Conditions Vital Of the park and ride plan in which mass transportation is provided from parking lots on lishers in the Statler Hilton Student Panelist Suggests Lengthening the School Day Niagara Youth Conference Delegates Off On Drinking Teachers Coing Steady and Auto i 4 i A i I 1 4 1 ft 'X A i 1 MM MV.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.